Osmosis practical

Cards (13)

  • What are the dependent, independent and control variables in this practical?
    independent - sucrose concentration

    dependent - mass of potato

    control - time, starting mass of potatoes, temperature, type of potato
  • what is this practical to investigate?
    the effect of sucrose concentration on osmosis in potatoes
  • what should you use to cut the potatoes?
    Cork borer
  • what should you use to weigh the potatoes?
    mass balance
  • why is it important to use a pure water solution
    to have a standard to compare the mass of the potatoes to
  • why is drying the potatoes with a towel important
    to ensure excess water is removed for more accurate measurements
  • how do you calculate percentage change in mass
    (final mass - initial mass)/ initial mass × 100
  • what does a positive and negative percentage change in mass tell you
    positive - gained mass
    negative - lost mass
  • Step 1
    Prepare sucrose solutions of various concentrations with a mesuring cylinder add 20cm3 of each solution to a separate boiling tube. Label each tube.
  • Step 2
    Cut 6 potato cylinders from the potato into lengths of 50 mm with a knife and ruler blot them dry with a paper towel
  • Step 3
    Record the mass of each potato cylinder using a balance write this in the table. Immerse the potato cylinders in each concentration of sucrose solution and cover with a bung.
  • Step 4
    After 30 minutes, take out the potato cylinders and dry them. Record the lengths and mass of each cylinder in a table
  • Variables
    Independent: concentration of solution
    Dependent: percentage mass change
    Control: surface area, type and age of potato, length