Temples are complex budlings and contain a lot of budlings. Including a stupa (Room where the relics are stored)
Buddhists also had a BuddhistRupa (statue of the Buddha) this can be at home/temples
They have monks and nuns that live in a monastery
Buddhist Worship (Puja)
Opportunity for Buddhists to give thanks for the Buddhas teaching and reflect upon them
Forms of Buddhist Worship
ChantingaBuddha text
Reciting mantras
Prayerbeads used to count the number of times a mantra is recited
Sand art that shows Annica (impermanence)
Types of Buddhist Meditation
Samantha (Theravada Buddhism to promote calmness, focuses on breathing)
Vipassana (Insight meditation to gain knowledge and understand impermanence and the nature of reality)
Visualisation (Tibetan Buddhists use to image the Buddha and the true nature of existence)
Art that takes hours to make and is thendestroyedtodemonstrateimpermanence (anicca)
No fixed souls, only karmicenergylives on and is reborn
Buddhist Funeral Practices
Setting up a shrine with a picture of the deceased and offerings
Monk providing a sermon and performing rites
Cremation is more usual than burial
Theravada Buddhism - lowcostfunerals with money donated to charity
Tibetan - Sky burial with bones eaten by vultures
Pure Land - Funeral service similar to other religions with body in a coffin and readings from Buddhist scripture. Bones are picked up by chopsticks after 40 days mourning period is over)
Major Buddhist Festivals
Wesak (Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death)
Parinirvana Day (Buddha's death)
Celebrated in May, commemorates the three major events in Buddha's life, includes releasing paper lanterns and caged birds
Parinirvana Day
Mahayana Buddhist festival on 15th February, commemorates when the Buddha achieved final Nirvana
Buddhist Retreats
Allow Buddhists to practice meditation and remember the Buddha's life, help free themselves from cravings
Buddhists believe their actions will influence their happiness in the future, they try to ensure 'right action' to escape the wheel of Samsara
Compassion, part of a Buddhist's spiritual path, accepting suffering in the world and caring for others
Loving kindness, attempting to show kindness to others without expecting anything in return
Five Moral Precepts
To refrain from taking life
To refrain from taking what is not freely given
To refrain from misuse of sense or sexual misconduct
To refrain from wrong speech
To refrain from intoxicant that cloud the mind
The Six Perfections
Buddhists do not believe in deity, the precepts and perfections are ways of living rather than commandments given by God