Elizabethan Council

Cards (11)

  • What was the role of the Privy Council?
    The Privy Council was responsible for policy advice and administration.
  • Key Functions of the Privy Council
    To discuss and advise on state matters, helping to formulate policies.
    To manage Crown Finances with the Lord Chancellor.
    To manage parliament.
    To oversee regional councils and local officials.
    To oversee National Defence.
    To enforce the 1559 religous settlement.
    To Act as the Court of Law when sitting as the Star Chamber.
  • Who was Elizabeth's key minister?
    William Cecil
  • Who were the Protestant members of the council?
    Sir Nicholas Bacon
    The Earl of Bedford
    Sir Francis Knollys
  • Who were the Catholic members of Elizabeth's council?
    Staunch Catholic- The Duke of Norfolk
    Moderate- Marquis of Winchester (Lord Treasurer), Sussex and Shrewesbury.
  • Why did traditional Conservative aristocracy suffer a reduction in influence over the Privy Council?
    The Duke of Norfolk's execution for his involvement in the Ridolfi plot in 1571.
    The death of Winchester.
  • Who were a part of the 'inner nucleus' of Elizabeth's Council by the 1570's?
    Sir Francis Walsingham, The Earl of Leicester, Sir Walter Mildmay, Sir Francis Knollys, The Earl of Bedford, Lord Burghley- Protestant
    Earl of Sussex and Sir Christopher Hatton- Conservative
  • Did the Queen's councillors serve her well?
    Overall yes, although there was a breakdown in relations due to the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots in 1587.
  • What problems did the Council face by the 1580's?
    -A number of the Queen's ministers died in succession- Leicester died in 1588.
    -She appointed her Councillor's sons when they died who lacked the expertise their fathers had.
    -Elizabeth's Council did not contain any senior noblemen.
    -She refused to let Burghley retire even though he was ineffective by the 1590's and when he was replaced by Robert Cecil (his son), this angered Essex.
  • How many members did Elizabeth's council have by 1597?
  • What was the effect of factional rivalries that developed during the 1590's?
    The Essex Rebellion of 1601 which, though foiled by Robert Cecil, showed the diminishing strength of her Council.