Interstitial and parasitic disease

Cards (7)

  • History and clinical exam of Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
    Insiduous onset
    Chronic breathlessness which is slowly progressive
    Coughing can be a feature
    Exercise intolerance
    Owner may notice cyanosis
    Can cause syncope
    Crackles throughout the lung fields, prolonged expiratory phase with expiratory effort.
  • Diagnosis of IPF
    Suggestive clinical signs - diffuse crackles on auscultation, dyspnoea, coughing
    Thoracic radiographs - generalised interstitial lung patterns, +/- right sided cardiomegaly, +/- pulmonary hypertension.
    CT - typical ground glass appearance, diffuse increase opacity without loss appearance of blood vessels.
    Bronchoscopy - BAL samples are either normal or show low cellularity, rules out other inflammatory conditions (primarily chronic bronchtitis).
    Lung biopsy - only method of definitive diagnosis.
  • Treatment of IPF
    Success of therapy depends largely on whether there are active inflammation present.
    Symptomatic treatment - avoid collars, harness’s only, avoid smoke inhalation.
    Inhaled therapy - bronchodilators, corticosteroids.
    Oral therapy - bronchodilators, corticosteroids. bronchodilators, especially if concurrent airway collapse. Corticosteroids.
  • Prognosis for IPF
    Guarded as this is a progressive disease. Long-term palliative of clinical signs may be possible with combination therapy
  • Interstitial pneumonias
    Not common. Severe subacute multifocal to coalescing interstitial pneumonia. The disease affects the interstitium - to some extent the alveoli and airways are relatively.
  • Metastatic disease
    May be an incidental finding or present with cough/ tachypnoea. May be the first an owner knows about animal having cancer.
    Most common = osteosarcoma, haemangiosarcoma, thyroid carcinoma, melanoma of the mucocutaneous junction
  • Metastasis therapy
    Solitary metastasis removal increasingly common. May start getting locally delivered chemo.