the charge of the light brigade

Cards (13)

  • half a league onward
    emphasises relentless foreward movement, despite the odds against them
  • theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do or to die
    highlights obedience, who follow orders without questioning them
  • into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell

    personification of death and hell to make it seem like they're monsters, unable to escape
  • cannon to the right, cannon to the left, cannon in the front of them
    repetition of this phrase shows that the men are surrounded and have no escapism
  • rhymes "reply" "why" "die"

    shows soldiers obedience and sense of duty and routine
  • into the valley of death
    travelling to their death, shows how brave they are. gives a sense of doom
  • noble 600
    applauding their bravery as they had been sacrificed into a brutal mission
  • the poem celebrates the act of bravery and sacrifice
  • half a league onward
  • into the jaws of death
  • into the mouth of hell
  • noble six hundred
  • into the valley of death