Drugs have to be tested before given to humans. New drugs, including medicinal drugs, may cause side effects that do not show up until lots of people use them.
Pre-clinical trials:
Drugs are tested on human tissue grown in the lab
Drugs are then tested on animals
Drugs are then tested on healthy volunteers
Clinical trials:
4. Drugs are then tested on people with the disease
A tablet that contains no drug and has no effect. Acts as a control/offers a comparison with the real drug.
Blind trial
When the person testing the drug doesn’t know whether they are taking the drug or a placebo
Double blind trial
When the person testing the drug doesn’t know whether they’re taking the drug or the placebo and neither do the researchers
Reasons against animal testing:
Laboratory animals are so different from human beings that they do not react to drugs in the same way as humans
Humans do not have the right to subject animals to any form of experimentation
Reasons to justify animal testing:
Humans should never have their lives threatened by experimental procedures
The human body is very complex and drugs tested on human tissues grown in a lab may not react in the same way once in the body
Computer simulations are not accurate enough to model all of the biological processes that take place in living organisms