Word usage 4Cs Review Part 2

Cards (33)

  • Assent: Consent
  • adherents: Followers
  • allot: To assign or distribute
  • Appraise and apprise:
    1. Appraise: to set a value on
    2. Apprise: to inform
  • breadth: Distance from side to side of something, not width
  • Calender and Colander:
    1. Calender: a machine used in fishing paper
    2. Colander: a strainer
  • canvass: to solicit
  • capital, capitol, and Capitol:
    1. Capitol: the building where the US congress meets
    2. capitol: the building where a stage legislative body meet
    3. capital: a principle sum of money, an uppercase letter, or a capital city
  • censure: A reprimand (noun) or to criticize (verb)
  • Comptroller and controller
    1. comptroller: term used for a financial officer for a government position
    2. controller: term used for a financial officers for a for profit organization
  • continual and continuous:
    1. continual: Occurring steadily but with occasional breaks
    2. Continuous: uninterrupted
  • Correspondence vs correspondents:
    1. Correspondence: letters
    2. Correspondents: those that write letters
  • Denounce vs renounce:
    1. Denounce: To condemn
    2. renounce: to give something up
  • Discreet vs discrete:
    1. Discreet: prudent
    2. Discrete: Distinct or separate
  • disinterested: unbiased or impartial
  • Use different from rather than different than
  • eminent, immanent, and emanate:
    1. eminent: Well known or prominent
    2. Immanent: inherent or residing within
    3. Emanate: to originate from or come out of
  • equable and equitable:
    1. equable: even or tranquil
    2. Equitable: just or right
  • hardy and hearty:
    1. hardy: robust
    2. Hearty: enthusiastic or vigorous
  • ingenious and ingenuous:
    1. ingenious: clever
    2. Ingenuous: naive or innocent
  • interstate and intrastate:
    1. Interstate: between states
    2. Intrastate: within one state
  • Lay and lie:
    1. lay: to place an object
    2. Lie: a falsehood or a past tense of lay
  • leach: to draw out or remove
  • loath: reluctant
  • ordnance: guns
  • premier vs premiere:
    1. premier: First in importance
    2. Premiere: First performance
  • some one: A person or thing in a group selected for attention
  • stanch: to stop the flow of something
  • trooper vs trouper:
    1. trooper: a soldier
    2. trouper: one who is emotionally hearty
  • veracity: truthfulness
  • waive: to give up
  • waiver vs waver:
    1. waiver: the giving up of a claim
    2. waver: to hesitate
  • warranty vs warrantee:
    1. warranty: a guarantee
    2. Warrantee: a person who received a warranty