
Cards (24)

  • Social role
    The parts people play in social groups and the behaviour expected of a person in that role
  • Zimbardo study
    • 24 male, middle class Americans
    • Conducted at Stanford University
    • Randomly assigned to prisoner or guard roles
  • Zimbardo study
    1. Prisoners arrested in their homes
    2. Given smocks to wear
    3. Referred to by a number
    4. Guards wore uniform, sunglasses, carried a baton
    5. Guards worked 8 hour shifts with 3 guards to the prisoners
    6. Zimbardo was prison Superintendent
    7. No physical violence allowed
  • Prisoners and guards quickly conformed to their roles
  • Prisoners talked about prison life, rebelled
  • Guards harassed and humiliated prisoners, made them complete pointless tasks
  • 4 prisoners left the study due to emotional distress
  • The study was shut down after 6 days, when it was meant to last 2 weeks
  • Zimbardo's study 1acks ecological validity
  • Ecological validity
    The extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized to real-world settings
  • Participants may have known it wasn't a real Prison so may not have behaved how they would if it was a real prison
  • So the study can't be applied to conforming to social roles in real life
  • However, Zimbardo argued the prsioners showed real emotions + reactions
  • and responded as if it were a real prison, as 90% of convos were about prison life
  • Zimardos reserach is hard to generalise
  • as he only used American males
  • and other cultures, or genders may produce different results, so lacks population validity
  • Zimbardo argued it is a real world example
  • as it is an explanation for violence in prison's
  • therefore is generalisable in some aspects
  • Zimbardos research has ethical issues
  • ethical issues include - psychological harm (4 had to leave due to emotional distress), participants couldn't give informed consent, lacked right to withdraw (made it hard for pps to leave)
  • Zimbardo argued he 1acked awareness of ethics
    1. Psychologically healthy people recruited and he didnt know it would turn violent the do stopped it before it could get worse