Treaties = international agreement, e.g Treaty of Paris = members share ownership of rawmaterials of weapons of war 1952, Treaty of Amsterdam = restructureinstitutions for expansion 1999
Regulations = All members will have to follow the law (binding), e.g Tachographs: Commissions V UK
Directives = law made for just onenation that has to be approved by the EuropeanCommittee, e.g UK Restriction of use of hazardous substances in electrical equipment
Institutions in EU: Court Of EU
Every government of each nation sends a representative to the council(= the main EU law-making body), Council set up to promote democracy and protect human rights
28 commissioners who act independently for their nation, Puts new proposals for Parliament and Council, ensures Treaties are followed, adopts EU budgets
28 judges, 9 advocates general, Luxemburg, decisions reported in EuropeanCourts Report, ensure equal law across all nations, hears cases to review nation's actions under Treaties