Chicago Campaign

Cards (7)

  • 2 Reasons- Start of Campaign:
    • Civil Rights Act 1964- ended de jure segregation in the South- de facto segregation & social & economic inequality continued in the ghettos+
    • Many ghetto residents believed that the moderate civil rights leaders didn't understand their problems & were no help in solving them- as a result- many were turning to radicalism & violence- fearing this would alienate whites & prevent further Federal support- King hoped his Chicago Campaign would encourage black ghetto residents to reject radicalism & violence & support moderate wings of civil rights movement
    • Chicago population of 3 million included 700,000 black Americans- suffered unemployment, housing & education problems in the ghetto+
    • During campaign- MLK's family became temporary ghetto residents from July- September 1966- family found that their relationships deteriorated dramatically in the stifling heat of small apartment without parks or pools in which to cool down
  • King's campaign

    Aimed to draw attention to the appalling living conditions in the ghetto & the difficulties facing any black family that tried to move out
  • Demonstrating & publicising the housing issues
    1. King led reporters round rat-infested ghetto apartments that lacked heating for freezing winters or air conditioning for boiling summers
    2. King led marches into white districts where black people could not buy or rent houses
  • Marchers were met with white abuse & violence
  • After 2 months of publicity, marches & protests

    Mayor Daley made an agreement with King that the housing situation would be improved
  • King had left Chicago
    Mayor Daley reneged on the agreement