Impact of King's Assassination

Cards (7)

  • Positive impact of King's assassination
    Within weeks of assassination-1968- Congress was shamed into passing a Fair Housing Act- prohibited racial discrimination in the sale or rental of housing & required the Department of Housing & Urban Development 'affirmatively to further the purposes' of fair housing
  • Negative impact of King's assassination
    White resistance made it difficult to enforce the Fair Housing Act & discrimination in housing continued
  • SNCC had always feared King's 'top-down leadership'
    Distracted from the need to empower black communities at grassroots levels
  • The civil rights movement remained leaderless at the national level without King
    Black activists continued to work effectively at a local level
  • The executive & Judaical branches of the Federal GOV continued to aid black Americans- mostly through the promotion of affirmative action
  • Immediate aftermath of the assassination
    1. Provoked major riots in over 100 cities across America
    2. 46 people died
    3. 3,000 injured
    4. 27,000 arrested
    5. 21,000 federal troops & 34,000 National Guardsmen restored order
    6. $45 million worth of damaged to property across the nation
  • King's relative moderation
    Encouraged followers of Black Power in their belief that it was not the best way forward