Established in 1930 & led from 1934-75 by Elijah Muhammad- self-styled prophet of Allah
The Nation of Islam differed from orthodox Islam- believing that:
Allah originally created black people
The evil scientist Yakub created other races
Whites would rule the world several thousand years until Allah returned & ended their supremacy
Temples in black ghettos- Detroit, New York & Chicago- NOI offered black Americans an alternative to the white man's Christianity- The NOI urged:
Separation of blacks & whites
Black economic independence through growing food, producing manufactured goods & owning stores
The development of an independent black nation
Pride in black culture & history in the schools it established in cities- Detroit
Religious commitment & a puritanical lifestyle without alcohol or extramarital sex
Religious teachings of the NOI impressed Malcolm- taught him the white man was the devil
Emphasis upon the importance of black culture & history gave him the sense of racial pride & identity that he needed
After-release from jail- Malcolm became minster in the NOI & by 1950's he was the most effective preacher & recruiter+
He & the NOI first gained national attention through TV documentary- The Hate that Hate produced (1959)- introduced white Americans to Malcolm's bitter characterisation of them as the enemy