1962- Arizona-born Cesar Chavez- former migrant labourer & veteran civil rights activist formed the first union of framers set up since the Depression & the sole union controlled by Mexican Americans
Small United Farm Worker (UFW) joined a strike started by Filipino farm workers against California's San Joaquin Valley grape growers
For many Chavez was a hero religiosity, encouragement of Catholic Church support, emphasis on non-violence & ability to inspire Time Magazine liken him to MLK
He gave ethnic Mexican workers their first positive & successful American role model
Chavez & the UFW
Contributed to the eventual passage of exceptionally worker-friendly legalisation in California+
Helped galvanise Mexican Americans & Mexican immigrants into activism
Played an important part in stimulating a civil rights movement that inspired formerly quiescent Mexican Americans throughout the Southwest to a greater ethnic pride & purposefulness- led local & national GOV to pay greater attention to Mexican-American needs