“ Achurchyard, overrunbyweeds, thegrowth of vegetations death not life - A worthy place “
Scrooge realises his end is going to be harrowing
“A worthy place” suggests scrooge deserves this and this is when scrooge realises he must change because if he doesn’t he will meet the same fate as marley
“Overrun by weeds” shows nobody cares that he died and is just letting him rot
Society in the 19th century was becoming less religious but this is a reminder for scrooge that money does not matter because he will die
This is a catalyst for his change
“A small pudding for a large family”
Oxymoron “small pudding large family”
It is illustrating how scrooge underpaying Bob cratchit led him to not be able to provide very well for his family because they have such a small christmas meal but than on the other hand they were still very happy because they were together as a unified family which is the opposite of capitalism
“ Hard and sharp as flint”
The simile is objectifying scrooge as an object as flin which is very hard. The ghost try and break through this hard exterior of selfishness, greed and ignorance to see the real scrooge
The adjective “sharp” shows how he is very antisocial towards everyone even family like his nephew
The use of“sharp” and “hard” shows scrooge is stuck behind these walls created by himself and nobody can get in however the spirits change him
“This boy is ignorance this girl iswant”
The boy represents society. Through the noun “ignorance” we can tell society is blind to the struggles of the lower class and the struggles of the lower class and the struggles of working in the workhouses (1834 new poor law). Shows people like scrooge are ignorant because of the capitalistsociety which creates a cycle
The girl represents people who want the basic needs
Dickens chose 2 innocent things being the boy and the girl to play on scrooge'sheart strings and to make the readers take responsibility
“I wear the chain I forged in life”
The chain is a symbol of your actions
Your actions represent thelinks in the chainand the chain gets bigger but it is a warning that your chain will drag you down and your chain can become a disease that you carry around so becareful because you don’t want to carry a burden for what they did i this life into the next life
Used for: redemption and ghosts
“His wealth is of no useto him. He don’t do any good with it”
We see how others viewscrooge but we also see how otherpeopleviewwealth. Because in a capitalist society wealth is used for your own benefitbut in this quote we realise this is not what everyonebelieves. Other people believe wealth can and should be used in different ways (Dickens). Shows scrooge being avictim and when your a victim you have tunnel vision
Hope: nobody likes him at the start so when he changes it is a big deal
“ I am light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel”
This simile shows scrooge change from the start to the end
The repetition of the pronoun“I” shows scrooge has come to the realisation that he haschanged and has not felt these things before
“Whitesheetof snow upon theroofs, and with thedirtiersnow upon theground”
The snow is a metaphor and represents people
The snow on top of the roof is ametaphor for the rich upper class relaxing
The snow on the floor represents thelower class people who are suffering and doing the hard work that allows those on top of the roof to relax
Exposes the flaws in society
“ A thousand thoughts and hopes and joys long long forgotten”
Shows the process of scrooge's change and scrooge is starting to change
Things that have once been forgotten are coming back to scrooge
Repetition of “long” suggest it has been awhilesince he hasfeltlikethis