nature, role, play, acceptability, opportunities and barriers.WW1 women senttodowork then sentbackhome, changes in the economic system sent them backtowork
Womens Labour Market Participation pattern
women as extrafunction of labour. When theres a problem...throwwomen at it
Social Policy Problems
economicchanges, will to work, attitudes, demands of society, sexism, home experiences, barriers
Social policy Responses
income supports, programs that provide support for women and labourmarketparticipation, regulations and laws that preventdiscrimination and unemployment
Women in Labour Market
participation increased, higher work burdens, less likely for promotion, get paidless for samework as men
Firststep in understandingbarriers and experiences. Involves recognizing multiple forms of oppression, responses to feminism, differential experiences and needs of women
Quebec's Child Care Program
heavily subsidized, lowestfees in the country, addition of private child care centres
Family Allowance Act
universal, tax-freebenefit, residualapproach
Wage-setting policies
expanding choices to low-income mothers, higherminimumwages to narrow wagegap
Canada Child Benefit
income transfer, low-middle income, simple, must file income taxes
Income Splitting
tax break, recessive, no benefit for low-income families