Minority influence

Cards (11)

  • What is conversion?
    The majorities become won over by an alternate viewpoint
  • Is conversion compliance, identification or internalisation?
  • What is social cryptoamnesia?
    Forgetting the old viewpoint as the new viewpoint is the norm
  • What is the snowball effect?
    More and more convert, the pace picks up so the minority gain status and acceptability
  • What are the factors affecting conversion?
    • Consistency and commitment
    • Flexibility
    • Style of thinking
  • How does consistency and commitment affect conversion?
    When the minority are committed to their view it shows confidence in their beliefs
  • What did Moscovici do to research consistency and commitment?
    • 4 naïve participants and 2 confederates in each group
    • All shown 36 blue slidess
    • In the inconsistent condition confederates said the slides were green 24/36 times
    • In the consistent condition confederates said the slides were green every time
    • There was an 8.2% agreement with the consistent condition but 1.25% agreement with the inconsistent condition
  • How does flexibility affect conversion?

    Minorities that are inflexible in their beliefs will be unsuccessful
  • What did Nemeth do to investigate flexibility?
    • 3 naïve participants and 1 confederate in a group
    • The confederate tried to convince naïve participants to pay a lower compensation for a ski accident victim
    • When they compromised the majority changed their mind
  • How does style of thinking affect conversion?

    If minority influence majority to consider the viewpoint rather than being instantly dismissed, it is more successful
  • What did Smith et al to do support systematic processing?

    Found that if a minority got the majority to consider an issue in terms of the arguments for and against the issue then they are more successful