Witches of Thessaly

Cards (145)

  • iuvenis ego Mileto profectus
    [As] a young man I set out from Miletus
  • ad spectaculum Olympicum
    for the Olympic Games,
  • cum haec etiam loca ... visitare cuperem
    since I also wanted to visit these areas
  • provinciae clarae
    of the famous province
  • peragrata tota Thessalia
    Having travelled through the whole of Thessaly
  • Larissam perveni
    I arrived at Larissa
  • ac dum urbem pererrans
    And while wandering through the city
  • tenuato viatico
    with my travelling allowance diminished
  • fomenta quaero
    I was looking for remedies
  • paupertati meae
    for my poverty
  • senem conspicio
    I caught sight of an old man
  • medio in foro
    in the middle of the forum
  • insistebat lapidem
    He was standing on a stone
  • magnaque voce praedicabat
    and was proclaiming in a loud voice
  • si quis ... vellet
    [that] if anyone was willing
  • mortuum custodire
    to guard a dead man
  • magnum praemium accepturum esse
    he would receive a great reward
  • et ... inquam
    And I said
  • cuidam praetereunti
    to a certain somebody passing by
  • "quid hoc ... audio?"
    "what's this I hear?"
  • "hic mortui solent aufugere?"
    "Do the dead usually run away around here?
  • "tace," respondit ille
    "Be quiet," he replied
  • "nam puer ... es"
    "For you are a boy"
  • "et satis peregrinus"
    "and a mere stranger"
  • "meritoque nescis in Thessalis te esse"
    "and naturally you don't know [that] you are in Thessaly"
  • "ubi sagae ora mortuorum semper demorsicant"
    "where witches always bite pieces out of the faces of the dead"
  • "quae sunt illis artis magicae supplementa"
    "these are ingredients for them in their magic art"
  • contra ego ... inquam
    In reply I said
  • "quali custodela ... opus est?"
    "What sort of protection is needed?"
  • "iam primum" respondit ille
    "To begin with" he replied
  • "totam noctem eximie vigilandum est"
    "the whole night you must stay fully awake"
  • "apertis et inconivis oculis"
    "with eyes open and sleepless"
  • "semper in cadaver intentis"
    "directed always at the corpse"
  • "nec acies usquam devertenda est"
    "Your glance must not be turned away anywhere else"
  • "cum illae pessimae sagae"
    "since those very wicked witches"
  • "latenter arrepant"
    "creep up secretly"
  • "forma in quodvis animal conversa"
    "with their shape changed into any kind of animal"
  • "nam ... induunt"
    "for they take the form of"
  • "et aves et canes et mures"
    "both birds, and dogs and mice"
  • "immo vero etiam muscas"
    "and indeed even flies"