Unconditioned response (ucr) natural response to unconditioned stimulus
Neutral stimulus (ns) doesn’t trigger any response, paired with unconditioned stimulus can cause learning
Conditioned stimulus (cs) neutral stimulus repeatedly paired with unconditioned stimulus can cause learning
Conditioned response (cr) association learning = response elicited by conditioned stimulus
during conditioning - unconditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus paired
After conditioning
neutral stimulus produces the sameresponse as UCS
When CS and UCS have not been paired for a while the CS and CR not elicit as strong
Spontaneous recovery
Extinct response activates again CS elicits CR again
Stimulus generalisation
CR to one object is exhibited in the presence of similar stimuli
Strengths of cc
research evidence - Pavlov and Watson and rayner - good controlled studies done on humans + animals
COUNTERPOINT- Pavlov concepts being questioned , the NS and UCS have to occur close in time. Rescoria - extent to which NS predicts UCS. Pavlov is inaccurate
Weaknesses of cc
explains small range of behaviours - doesn’t explain how someone Learns + maintainsbehaviour can be a partialexplanation