Cards (9)

  • How many stanzas are there? Why is this significant?
    2 stanzas that recall the contrasting incidents
  • What does the first stanza focus on?
    Mainly on the persona's childish and secure relationship with nature.
  • What does the second stanza focus on?
    It shifts in tone and shows the fractured relationship with nature, the volta creates the sense of how nature is more threatening and unfamiliar.
  • It is written in 1st person
  • Written in blank verse to make it more conversational and personal
  • Its mainly written in iambic pentameter however changes to 11 syllables which could reflect the richness of nature and the unpredictability of change.
  • Many lines run into each other due to the enjambment which conveys the personas enthusiasm and nature's inability to be constrained.
  • Describe the structure of the line from line 10-20.
    It consists of many long complex sentences with few caesura and enjambment which emphasises the childish excitement and breathlessness.
  • How has the structure changed in stanza 2?
    There are less long complex sentences and more short sentences showing how he has lost interest in nature due to the lack of detail.