Reproductive System

Cards (16)

  • Parts of the female reproductive system
    • Ovaries
    • Fallopian tubes
    • Uterus
    • Vagina
    • Cervix
  • Ovaries - Produce and develop egg cells. Each ovary releases one egg every month (one ovary releases one egg in the first month, then another ovary releases on next month)
  • Fallopian tubes - Serve as a passageway of the egg from the ovary to the uterus. Site of fertilization
  • Uterus - A place where a fertilized egg develops. Home for developing fetus
  • Vagina - Where sperms are first deposited, also called the birth canal
  • Cervix - Entrance from the vagina to the uterus
  • Sperm cell - consist of little more than a nucleus in the head, a tail that can move the cell about, and an energy generator known as mitochondria
  • Label the male reproductive systm
    A) Prostate gland
    B) Vas deferens
    C) Penis
    D) Urethra
    E) Scrotum
    F) Testicle
    G) Testes
    H) Epididymis
    I) Seminal vesicle
    J) Urinary bladder
  • Label the female reproductive system
    A) Fallopian Tube
    B) Ovary
    C) Cervical canal
    D) Cervix
    E) Vagina
    F) Uterus
    G) Embrio
  • Label the weeks of the fetus to a born baby in a mother's stomach
    A) 9
    B) 12
    C) 16
    D) 20
    E) 24
    F) 28
    G) 32
    H) 36
    I) 40
  • Testis or testicle - Contains seminiferous tubules where sperm cells are produced, also creates testosterone
  • Scrotum - Sac (loose pouch-like) of skin which contains the testis
  • Penis - Deposits semen (mixture of sperm and fluid) into the vagina during mating or sexual intercourse
  • Epididymis - Transports and stores sperm cells that are produced in the testes
  • Urethra - Carries semen out of the penis by ejaculation during orgasm
  • Prostate gland - Secretes an alkaline fluid that will counteract the acids produced by the female reproductive tract