Cards (11)

  • The Sun
    • the center of the solar system
    • a medium-sized star
    • diameter: 1,400,000 km
    • distance from the Earth: 149,600,000 km away
    • temperature at the center: 15,000,000 0C
  • Composition of the Sun
    • Hydrogen (73%)
    • Helium (25%)
    • Other: 1% (oxygen, carbon, neon, iron)
  • Phase of the sun's life cycle
    main sequence
  • Outer Layers of the sun
    • photosphere - the glowing layer of gases on the sun's surface (visible layer)
    • chromosphere - layer above the photosphere
    • corona - the outer layer of the sun
  • Inner Layers of the sun
    • core - innermost layer; 15 million 0C
    • radiative zone - passage for all the energy that is released at the core; 7-12 million 0C
    • convection zone - the outermost layer of the sun; 2 million 0C
  • Sunspots
    • dark areas found in the photosphere
    • appear dark because they are cooler than the rest of the sun
  • The difference between solar flares and prominences is that solar flares flare off the sun while prominences look like loops.
  • The photosphere is the visible surface of the sun.
  • The sunspot has a lower temperature than the rest of sun's surface.
  • Solar flares look like loops.
  • What are the different layers of the Earth?