15-20% of starch, deep blue with iodine test, alpha-1,4 glycosidic bonds
80-85% of starch, blue violet to purple with iodine test, alpha-1,4 glycosidic bonds and alpha-1,6 at the branch points
Malic acid is obtained from expressed fresh, ripe fruit of Prunus cerasus (Cherry) and is used as a flavored vehicle in sour drugs
Citric acid was first isolated in crystal form from lemon juice by Scheele in 1784 and may be obtained from fermentation of sucrose. It is used as an acidulant for effervescent tablets, a buffer, and an alkalizer and anticoagulant
Lactic acid is available as a colorless or yellowish, nearly odorless syrupy liquid and is an ingredient of electrolyte replenishers
Tartaric acid is a dicarboxylic acid obtained as a by-product of the wine industry. It is a product of reductase, used as an acidant for oral preparations, and in buffer systems
Obtained by reduction of mannose or by isolation from Manna (Fraxinus ornus aka. Manna Ash). Used as a diagnostic agent, osmotic diuretic, and tablet diluent
Obtained by reduction of glucose from ripe berries of Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia). Used as a humectant and ingredient in toothpaste/chewing gum
From Blue Dandelion or Chicory (Chiorium intybus) and Corn flower (Echinaceae purpurea). Used as a diagnostic aid for renal dysfunction
Produced by microbes (Leukonostic mesenteroids), alpha 1-6 polyglucan, action: conversion of sucrose to dextran via transglucoxylase
Use: Suspending agent, Emulsifying agent. Constituents: Tragacanthin (water soluble, forms a colloid), Bassorin (water insoluble, forms a gel)
Use: stabilizer, emulsifier, and thickening agent. Dried gummy exudate of Acacia senegal (Febaceae & Leguminoceae). Constituents: Arabin (a complex mixture of calcium, magnesium, and potassium salts of Arabic acid), Arabic acid (a branched polysaccharide that yields L-arabinose, D-galactose, D-glucoronic acid, and L-rhamnose on hydrolysis)
Ghatti gum
Use: substitute for Acacia. AKA: Indian gum. From Anogeissus latifolia (Compretaceae)
Karaya gum
AKA: sterculia gum or Indian tragacanth. From areol gummy exudate of Sterculia urens, S. vilosa, S. tragacantha (Sterculiaceae). Use: bulk laxative, emulsifying agent, dental adhesive
Use: antacid, suspending agent. Found in Sodium alginine
Use: stiffening agent in preparation of culture media. Known as Japanese Isinglas from Gelidium cartilageneum (Gelidiaceae). Ex: Danish agar
From red algae and seaweeds Irish moss- Chrondus crispus, Mastocarpus stellatus- Gigartina mamillosa (Gigartinaceae)
Red algae, Furcellaria fastigiata. Hydrocolloid is like k-carrageenan
From seed coat of Plantago psyllium, indica, ovata (blonde) (Plantaginaceae). Plantain seed
Guar gum
From endosperm of seed, Cyamopsis tetragonoblus (Fabaceae). Guaran