Cards (51)

  • Which parameter measures an amplifier's ability to reject common mode signal?

  • LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)

    • Sensitive device that varies its resistance when exposed to light
    • Resistance decreases when incident light decreases
  • Potentiometer
    Provides a variable reference voltage, through voltage divider, for comparator
  • What term describes a noise signal spread out equally across the frequency spectrum?
    white noise
  • What term describes an arrangement of circuits in which the output of one circuit becomes the input to the next?
  • What term describes the maximum rate of change of the output voltage in response to a step input voltage of an Op-amp?
  • What characteristic of certain types of electronic circuits specifies the usable range of frequencies that pass from input to output?
    Filter Bandwidth
  • What process involves returning a portion of the output signal to the input of an amplifier such that it is out of phase with the input signal?
    Negative Feedback
  • What type of filter blocks or rejects a range of frequencies lying between a certain lower frequency and a certain higher frequency?
    Band-stop filter
  • What term describes the rate of decrease in gain below or above the critical frequencies of a filter
    Roll off rate
  • It is the ratio of the center frequency to the bandwidth of a band-pass filter.
    Quality factor
  • A filter frequency response that provides a very flat amplitude response in the passband and a roll-off rate of -20dB/decade/pole.
    Butterworth Response
  • If the feedback resistor in an inverting amplifier opens, the gain becomes zero.
    True of False?
    • False
  • The band frequencies define a level where the gain or quantity of interest will be 70.7% or its maximum value.
    True or False?
    • True
  • A low-pass filter can pass a dc voltage.
    True or False?
    • True
  • 9. The higher the Q, the wider the bandwidth of a band-pass filter.
    True or False?
    • False
  • A single-pole filter has one RC circuit.
    True or False?
    • True
  • The gain of a voltage-follower is very high.
    True or False?
    • False
  • The loop gain of an ideal Op-Amp is infinite.
    True or False?
    • True
  • The input impedance of an ideal Op-Amp is infinite.
    True or False?
    • True
  • Common-mode operation involves the use of the same polarity inputs.
    True or False?
    • True
  • Control System
    A combination of various elements connected as a unit to direct or regulate itself or any other system in order to provide a specific output
  • Control System
    • Is used to direct the functioning of a physical system to carry out the desired objective
  • Types of Control Loop System
    • Open Loop Control System
    • Closed-Loop Control System
  • Open-loop Control System
    The applied input or the controlling factor is independent of the system output
  • Open-loop control system
    Non-feedback system, no comparison is done between input and output of the system for controlling actions
  • Advantages of Open-loop Control System
    • Simplicity in construction and ease of maintenance
    • Lesser number of units, overall the system is economic
    • The output provided by the system shows stability
    • The operation is quite convenient
  • Disadvantages of Open-loop Control System
    • Require timely recalibration
    • More prone to errors
    • Changes in the desired output can be the result of internal or external disturbances
  • Closed-Loop Control System

    The applied input or controlling factor depends on the output of the system
  • Closed-Loop Control System
    Feedback control system, comparison between input and achieved output is done to get the desired output signal
  • Closed-Loop Control System
    • Sensitivity: Ability to show instant variation in output whenever there exists any change in input
    • Stability: The system must be stable while providing the output without showing fluctuation with time
    • Bandwidth: The permissible frequency range of the system specifies its bandwidth. And so to have a good frequency response the system must possess high bandwidth
  • Closed-Loop Control System
    • Noise: Unwanted signals that hinders the performance of the system adversely is known as noise. A good control system must show the least susceptibility towards the noise
    • Accuracy: The system must produce accurate output, so as to have least chances of error in the achieved output value
    • Speed: Speed defines the processing time of the system within which the specified output is achieved. So the speed of the system must be high enough to deliver the output timely
  • Closed-Loop Control System
    Fully automatic control system, the achieved output is automatically compared with the reference input to have the required output
  • Types of Feedback
    • Positive Feedback: The input signal and the feedback signal are in phase with each other
    • Negative Feedback: The input signal and the feedback signal show out-of-phase relationship with each other
  • Feedback System
    All or part of the output signal either positive or negative is fed back to the input
  • Feedback System
    Used to provide more corrective response, by comparing the achieved output with the applied input
  • Feedback System
    By the use of feedback in a control system, the system shows less sensitivity to the unwanted internal and external disturbances
  • Positive Feedback system
  • Negative Feedback system

    The feedback signal is out of phase with the reference input, the two signals are subtracted to produce the difference signal
  • Feedback Amplifier
    A device that is based on the principle of feedback, where some part or fraction of output is combined with the input