Use oxygen to produce energy from food in a process called respiration
Give off carbon dioxide as a waste product of respiration
Respond to stimuli
Reproduce their own kind
Adapt to their environment and as a result become more able to reproduce
Kingdoms of living things
Plant cell
Have a cell wall - outer protective structure made of cellulose, fixed shape
Have chloroplast - make food for plant & give the green color to most plant leaves
Have a large water filled vacuole
Animal cell
Lack a cell wall, no fixed shape
Lack chloroplast - can not make own food
Lack large vacuole - have smaller vacuoles
Both plant and animal cells have a Cell membrane, Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Rough endoplasmic reticulum, Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body
All living organisms contain genetic information which is passed from one generation to the next
Humans have selectively bred Plants, Animals Fungi, Protist and Monera for food and medicine
The combination of the different biological communities, together with their physical environment
Food chain
Linear feeding relationship in an ecosystem
Food web
Network of feeding relationships made up of two or more food chains
Food chain pyramid
Population size (and percentage of food energy available) at each trophic level
Living things depend on other living things as well as non-living things
It is important to clarify misconceptions and build the foundational knowledge of science concepts
Build upon the prior knowledge of students and connect to the common examples, experiments and demonstrations when teaching