1. Before week 8: Embryonic skeleton made of fibrousmembranes and hyalinecartilage
2. After week 8: Bone tissue begins to replace the fibrous membranes and hyaline cartilage via IntramembranousOssification or Endochondral Ossification
Also known as cancellous or trabecular bone, has honeycomb appearance with cavities/air spaces, located mainly in the epiphyses of long bones and the interior of all other bones, consists of a branching network of trabeculae with bone marrow
Compared to adult, has disproportionately large cranium relative to the face, bones are smooth and unilaminar, most bones are ossified at birth but the process is incomplete, bones are mobile on each other
Most prominent; "soft spot"; lies between, the frontal bone and the two parietal bones behind; Diamond-shaped; By 18 mos. The surrounding bones have fused and the anterior fontanelle is no longer clinically palpable.
Bounded by the parietal bones anteriorly and the occipital bone posteriorly; Triangular shape; begins to close during the first few months after birth, and by the end of the 1st year, it is small and no longer clinically palpable.
"Butterfly-shaped" with a central part composed of the sella turcica (saddle-like bony formation on the upper surface of the body of the sphenoid that houses the pituitary gland)