Planting trees is not enough to restore forests, so IUCN has collaborated with FLR enthusiasts to bring people together to identify and implement the most appropriate restoration interventions in a landscape
Accumulation of saline water underground, gradually saturating the soil and resulting in damage and killing of plants as saline water surrounds the deep root
The rapid expansion of a city into the countryside around the city, resulting in the building of housing or suburbs and associated commercial buildings on the boundary of a larger town
The Earth's second layer of air, contains much of the atmosphere's ozone gas (O3), which lies in a sub-layer of the lower stratosphere known as the ozone layer
Serves as a sunscreen for the planet by filtering out about 95% of the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation before it can reach the Earth's surface
The heat absorbing components of the atmosphere prevent the IR from escaping, thus the heat is trapped on earth, much like the heat trapped in a farmer's greenhouse