Inferior oblique - Elevates eye and turns it laterally
Ciliary body - found in choroid; structure that attaches the lens
Lens – biconvex structure that focuses light onto the retina; divides the eye into two segments and chambers
Inspection of the Pupils on Assesing Eyes - Normally equal in size and shape, Anisocoria and Teardrop pupil
Anisocoria can be * Benign congenital condition* Secondary to Brain Trauma
Blurred vision or Presbyopia (“Old vision”)
Pupil Reaction to Light in Assesing Eyes includes Observe for pupil restriction and dilation, Repeated on opposite eye
Outer (External) Ear includes Pinna / Auricle, External Auditory Canal, Ceruminous glands and Tympanic membrane (Eardrum)
Ceruminous glands – secretes a waxy yellow substance called earwax or cerumen
Inspection of the External Ear includes Inspection, direct palpation, symmetry, deformities, tenderness, lesions, discharges, sebaceous cyst and tophi on the pinna (severe cases)
Equipment in Inspection of the External Ear are tuning forks, otoscope and audiometry (for MD use)
Lingual frenulum – secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth; limits its posterior movement
Wisdom teeth – the third molars; emerge later between the ages of 17 and 25
Internal Breast Anatomy composed primarily of 3 tissue types - glandular, fibrous and fatty (subcutaneous) tissue
Glandular tissue – functional part of the breast allowing milk production Mammary ducts
Lymph Major Axillary Lymph Nodes include Anterior (pectoral), Posterior (subscapular), Lateral (brachial) and Central (mid-axillary)