Cards (16)

    • Inferior oblique - Elevates eye and turns it laterally
    • Ciliary body - found in choroid; structure that attaches the lens
  • Lens – biconvex structure that focuses light onto the retina; divides the eye into two segments and chambers
    • Inspection of the Pupils on Assesing Eyes - Normally equal in size and shape, Anisocoria and Teardrop pupil
  • Anisocoria can be * Benign congenital condition* Secondary to Brain Trauma
    • Blurred vision or Presbyopia (“Old vision”)
    • Pupil Reaction to Light in Assesing Eyes includes Observe for pupil restriction and dilation, Repeated on opposite eye
    • Outer (External) Ear includes Pinna / Auricle, External Auditory Canal, Ceruminous glands and Tympanic membrane (Eardrum)
  • Ceruminous glands – secretes a waxy yellow substance called earwax or cerumen
    • Inspection of the External Ear includes Inspection, direct palpation, symmetry, deformities, tenderness, lesions, discharges, sebaceous cyst and tophi on the pinna (severe cases)
    • Equipment in Inspection of the External Ear are tuning forks, otoscope and audiometry (for MD use)
  • Lingual frenulum – secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth; limits its posterior movement
  • Wisdom teeth – the third molars; emerge later between the ages of 17 and 25
    • Internal Breast Anatomy composed primarily of 3 tissue types - glandular, fibrous and fatty (subcutaneous) tissue
  • Glandular tissue – functional part of the breast allowing milk production Mammary ducts
    • Lymph Major Axillary Lymph Nodes include Anterior (pectoral), Posterior (subscapular), Lateral (brachial) and Central (mid-axillary)