
Cards (32)

  • River Tees
    The River Tees runs through the north east of England. The source is near Cow Green reservoir, the middle course flows through Barnard Castle, and the mouth is near Middlesbrough where it flows westerly into the North Sea
  • Hard engineering
    • Involves building artificial structures, which try to control natural processes at a local scale
  • Flood risks

    • Following torrential storms
    • Influenced by physical factors like precipitation, geology, and steep slopes
  • Soft engineering
    • Used to help reduce coastal erosion and river flooding
    1. shaped valleys
    Fast flowing water carrying large boulders cuts rapidly downwards, causing vertical erosion
  • Human factors influencing flooding
    • Urbanisation (building on flood plain)
    • Deforestation
    • Agriculture
  • Deforestation
    No water store in trees, soil more exposed to elements
  • Dry soil
    Increases flood risk due to being less permeable, leading to higher surface runoff
  • Steep slopes
    Rapid surface runoff can lead to rivers exceeding capacity quickly
  • Estuary
    Where the river meets the sea, affected by wave action as well as river processes during rising tide
  • Flood plain
    Wide, low-lying area of marshy land on either side of a river that is prone to flooding, found in the middle and lower courses
  • Levees
    Result of deposition left by repeated flooding, made of sediment salt
  • River flooding
    Deposits heaviest particles first, forming levees
  • Drainage basin features
    • Source
    • Tributary
    • Watershed
    • Gorges
  • Gorge
    Narrow, steep-sided valley usually found immediately downstream of a waterfall, formed by gradual retreat of the waterfall
  • Erosion processes
    • Wearing away/breaking down of material
    • Transportation - movement of material downstream
    • Deposition - material dropped
    • Traction - large particles rolled on river bed
    • Saltation - 'bouncing' of particles too heavy to be suspended
    • Suspension - small sediment held in river
    • Solution - dissolved load
  • Harder rock
    Undercuts softer rock by hydraulic action and abrasion
  • River profile
    Decreasing height and gradient from source to mouth, with wider, shallower channel and smaller sediment
  • Source
    The origin of a river or stream
  • Mouth
    The point where a river comes to an end, usually by entering the sea
  • Tributary
    A stream or smaller river that flows into the main river
  • Watershed
    The edge of the drainage basin which forms the boundary/border with the neighbouring drainage basin
  • Confluence
    The point at which two rivers or streams join
  • Landscape features
    • whous
    • lauready
    • know
    • gorg
    • lower cou
    • course
    • Modest + Plattes!
    • middle course
    • moves wider, deeper gradient gets
    • Slowk
    • -created and found
    • downstream of a waterfal
    • the wave erodes the
    • hord and soft roch
    • gener
    • water
    • cycle
    • precipitation coin.
    • Snow or no
    • tupper courses interception.
    • shawow, norow, fast energy
    • Vercaity
    • Physical
    • Surface unoff
    • infiltration
    • surrounded the warefou
    • creating a sleep
    • sided valuey
    • nydrographs
  • Hydrograph
    1. peau discharge is the discharge at a period of time
    2. Log time is the delay! between peaurainfood peau dischoge
    3. Rising limb the increase in river discharge
    4. Falling womb the decrease in river discharge
  • River processes
    • Erosion of outer bonh
    • Deposition on inner conn
    • Ceams sip of slope)
    • Tronspication
    • Flood Plain
    • levees-
    • hydramic action tabrasion but the necu
    • erosion breaues through the nec
  • Nutrient rich solceo for forming Flot 100 for infastructue
  • evaporation and deposition cuts off main chane
  • Waterfall
    1. River flows over outernative types of Rocus
    2. River erodes soft roch faster creating a step
    3. Further Hydramic action and abrasion form a Plunge pool beneath
    4. Hard room above is undercut leaving colp roch which collapses providing more material for erosion
    5. Watercams retreat leaving steep sided gorges
  • Soft engineering
    • Afforestation Planning
    • Flood Borners - put in place when working caused
    • Managed flooding-naturally let places fico
  • Hard engineering
    • Stroughtening channel- increases velce. My
    • Artificial levees heighters river some flood water is contouned
  • Rock types
    • Hord C
    • Rocu
    • Soft Roch