RP3 - Rate of reaction with temperature

Cards (7)

  • The initial rate of the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid can be monitored by measuring the time taken for a fixed amount of sulfur to be produced.
    Describe an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the initial rate of this reaction. [6 marks] 2019 Paper 3
    • Include
    • • a brief outline of your method
    • Stage 1 Method
    • (1a) Idea of using disappearing cross or colorimetry
    • (1b) Puts acid or thiosulfate into container on/with cross or in colorimeter
    • (1c) Add second reactant and start timing
  • Describe an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the initial rate of this reaction.
    • how you will measure the time taken for a fixed amount of sulfur to be formed
    • Stage 2 Measurements
    • (2a) Repeat at different temperatures (if number of temperatures stated, must be more than two)
    • (2b) Record time, t, for cross to disappear / defined reading on colorimeter
    • (2c) Idea of ensuring other variables (cross, volumes, concentrations) kept constant (apart from T)
  • Stage 3 Use of Results
    • (3a) 1/t (or 1000/time, etc) is a measure of rate
    • (3b) plot of rate (or 1/t etc) (y-axis) against T (x-axis) can come from labelled axes on sketch (IGNORE T against rate)
    • (3c) sketch of plot as shown (ALLOW 3c if axes not labelled but NOT if incorrectly labelled)
    A) Rate
    B) T
  • The student noticed that the temperature of each reaction mixture decreased during each experiment. Suggest how the student calculated the temperature values in Table 1. [1 mark]
    • Measure the temperature at the start and end of the reaction AND find the mean/average
    • Allow idea of doing reaction in a water bath
  • The student uses a stopwatch to measure the time. The stopwatch shows each time to the nearest 0.01 s
    Suggest why the student records the times to the nearest second and not to the nearest 0.01 s [1 mark]
    • Idea that it is hard to judge to the nearest 0.01 second
    • Idea that it is hard to judge the exact moment (that it becomes too cloudy / the cross disappears)
    • OR idea of reaction time
  • Suggest, by considering the products of this reaction, why small amounts of reactants are used in this experiment. [1 mark]
    • as it forms a toxic gas
    • or SO2 is toxic/poisonous or
    • to limit amount of SO2 formed
  • The student could do the experiment at lower temperatures using an ice bath. Suggest why the student chose not to carry out experiments at temperatures in the range 1–10 °C [1 mark]
    • reaction would take too long / too slow / take a long time / very slow
    • Allow idea that it makes judging the moment when the cross disappears more difficult