Macbeth - Act 4 summary

Cards (20)

  • Witches cast a spell around a cauldron
    Hecate congratulates them
  • Apparitions shown to Macbeth
    • Armed head saying 'beware Macduff'
    • Bloody child saying 'none of woman born shall harm Macbeth'
    • Crowned child holding a tree saying he will never be defeated 'until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him'
  • Macbeth asks if Banquo's descendants will ever reign
    Witches advise against his question, but he demands they answer
  • An apparition of eight kings appears following Banquo's ghost
  • Macbeth is terrified and angry, but the witches disappear
  • Lennox arrives with word that Macduff has fled to England
  • Macbeth vows to kill all of Macduff's family including 'his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line'
  • Lady Macduff worries about why her husband has fled to England
  • Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is dead and was a traitor, but he teases her and knows it is not true
  • A messenger advises Lady Macduff to flee with her family, but she does not go, saying she has 'done no harm'
  • Murderers arrive seeking Macduff and, finding him gone, they kill both his son and wife
  • Macduff tells Malcolm of how Scotland is suffering under the 'tyrant' Macbeth
  • Malcolm is suspicious of Macduff and tests his loyalty
  • Macduff excuses several of Malcolm's flaws
  • When Malcolm claims that he will bring chaos on Scotland were he to rule, Macduff condemns him, saying his 'hope ends here'
  • Malcolm's suspicions are gone and he tells Macduff that he was 'false speaking' and is in fact devoted to his country and people
  • Malcolm is ready with Old Siward and 10,000 men to invade Scotland
  • A doctor tells how King Edward cures people through touch, which is a gift bestowed on true kings
  • Ross arrives to tell Macduff the terrible news about the death of his wife and children
  • Malcolm comforts Macduff, advising that they 'make us medicines of our great revenge to cure this deadly grief'