The cholera threat and the work of John snow

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  • An outbreak of Cholera in 1848-49 Claimed over 52000 lives
  • Another outbreak in 1854 allowed Snow to test his theory that Cholera was caught orally
    • He mapped the adresses of people that had died in Soho, London
    • the found most of these people collected their water from the broad Street pump
    • He managed to trace the origins of cholera outbreak to a woman who had put her baby's soiled nappy into a sewage disposal. that sewage disposal had a crack in the wall, and was leaking into the broad street pump
    • when snow removed the handle from the pump, cholera deaths in Soho dropped dramatically
    • He showed the government his findings, however many Doctors believed that it was miasma around the pump causing disease. Therefore his work had little effect At the time