cold war

Cards (75)

  • Tehran Conference
    1943 Big 3-WC, FDR, JS: disagree on German reparations, idea of the UN
    USSR to wage war on Japan after Gmy
    Percentages Agreement
  • Yalta Conference

    1945 BIg 3, divide up gmy(+Berlin), eastern europe as "sphere of influence" (Stalin wanted Poland "for protection"), disagreements of ideology
  • Potsdam Conference
    1945 Truman, Stalin, Atlee- future of Germany (4 zones, demilitarised, ban Nazis, democracy), most reparations to USSR (20 mil Russians killed), Polish borders extended to USSR.
    Truman wanted free elections for Germany, Stalin said no
  • Hiroshima/Nagasaki
    August 1945 20+22 kiloton atomic bomb kills 80k+70k (little boy+fat man)
  • Hostile Speeches
    1946 "communism & capitalism are incompatible"
    "Churchill is like a war-monger" --> iron curtain "has fallen over Europe"
  • Telegrams
    1946 'Long' and 'Novikov'
    L: Stalin called for destruction of capitalism and had built up his army (Moscow-> DC)
    N: US to dominate the world, American public preparing for war w/ USSR (DC->Moscow)
  • Truman Doctrine
    March 1947 Mainly in Greece, Containment, 'No country should be forced into communism', USA would fight for liberty and sent troops and money to european governments threatened by communism
  • Marshall Plan
    June 1947 ('2 halves of same walnut') $13bil. aid to europe but actually spent $17bil. by 1953. offers money and machinery to stop countries turning to USSR, taken by 16 countries (discussed @ Paris conference)
  • Cominform
    1947 Political. Coordinate communist parties and strengthen sphere- ensured states followed Soviet aims and foreign policy. Made sure they remained loyal to Stalin. Made them refuse offers from the West (e.g. Marshall Aid)
    France 1947: 2million (communist) workers strike against Marshall Plan
    5% of Hungary in prison by 1953
  • Comecon
    1949 Financial. Stalin's version of Marshall Plan. Control economies and access resources. Prevent trade with the West. Official alliances-> 2 camps.
  • USSR takeover
    (Eastern Europe) 1947-1949
    Red Army intimidating. Communist governments supported Stalin-benefits.
    Czech: only 1 non-commy in govt. found dead under open window (lol)
    Stalins opponents=weak (incl. Gmy -divided)
    Allies didn't help
  • Berlin Crisis
    June 1948 -1st confrontation of Cold War
    USSR intimidated by Trizonia, concerns Stalin- suspends all road and rail into Berlin and shut off power to prove that divided Germany didn't work & cut off West from capital.
  • Berlin Airlift
    1948-1949 : 1k tonnes of supplies every day.
    total 1.5mil tonnes. Planes land every 3 mins.
    propaganda success for USA. USSR couldn't shoot down planes+parachutes (hot war) Stalin ends blockade in May.
  • NATO
    1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation: military alliance amongst western capitalists
  • Warsaw Pact
    1955 Khrushchev's version of NATO for Eastern Bloc
  • USSR A bomb
  • USA H bomb
    1952: 450x more powerful than the Abomb dropped on Japan- tested in 1954- 15 tonnes of TNT
  • USSR H bomb
    (3 million troops)
    1961: USSR detonate H bomb larger than USA's
  • USA nuclear spending
    1957-1959: spending on missiles increased by 20%,
    NASA founded
  • Sputnik Satellite
    1957- can now launch rockets out of the atmosphere and guide to target
  • Death of Stalin
    1953 :o
  • USA satellite
    1958 put into orbit
  • 1st man on the moon
    1969 Neil Armstrong (USA)
  • 1st man in space
    Yuri Gagarin 1961 (USSR)
  • USA arms
    1961: $32bil. on defence, $207 mil on nuclear shelters
    USA 20x more weapons than USSR
  • Germany Refugees
    1949-1961: 2.7million refugees East->West
  • Khrushchev Speech
    1956 denounces Stalin as "Evil Tyrant" (shocker!)
  • Hungarian Uprising
    Oct 1956 Gero (within communist party) opposed Rakosi (bald butcher) killed 2k, imprisoned 387k.
    (student demonstrations, stalin statue decapitated in Budapest)
    Nagy forms new govt. free elections, general freedom etc, announces leaving Warsaw pact uh oh but Eisenhower doesn't give aid
  • Hungarian Crisis
    Nov 1956 Tanks roll in. Khrushchev angry, worried about sphere and domino effect +looking weak
    3k Hungarians, 8k Russians killed, 200k Hungarians go to Austria, Nagy imprisoned and killed
    new dude: Kadar
    30k anti-commies arrested
  • 6 month ultimatum take 1
    1958: Khrushchev gives Eisenhower 6 months to withdraw Allied troops from West Berlin
  • Cuban Revolution
    1958/9: Fidel Castro overthrows President Batista in revolution
  • Geneva Summit
    1959: representatives form the USA+ USSR make plans for leaders to meet, no agreement reached about ultimatum
  • Camp David
    1959: Khrushchev visits Eisenhower for talks, ultimatum withdrawn
  • Lunar robot landing
    1960: USSR lands 1st robot on the moon (space race)
    Khrushchev: USA is "sleeping under a red moon"
  • Paris Summit
    1960: day before-American U2 spy plane shot down in USSR -> Eisenhower refuses to apologise, Khrushchev walks out of meeting
  • Bay of Pigs
    April 1961: US-backed anti-Castro Cubans attempt to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro but fail (makes US look bad)
  • Vienna Summit
    1961: Khrushchev sees JFK as inexperienced and reinstates ultimatum (but JFK wont back down, esp after looking weak @ bay of pigs)
  • Berlin Wall
    August 1961: barbed wire goes up night of 12th, becomes guarded concrete wall
    End of free East <-> West access
    JFK: "a wall is a hell of a lot better than a war"
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
    Sept 1962: Khrushchev sends 114 ships of offensive nuclear weapons to Cuba
    October 1962: '13 days' - U2 spy plane shot down in Cuba, JFK enforces military blockade (Soviet ships turn around)
  • Start of Detente?
    1963: hotline installed in the aftermath of CMC
    JFK: "common interests" "ich bin ein Berliner"