The belief that Germany could have won the war and that politicians had stabbed the army in the back at the end of the war
Weimar Constitution
Set up Germany's first modern democracy by providing for a directly elected president and parliament (the Reichstag), setting up a senate (Reichsrat), and providing a chancellor (prime minister).
Treaty of Versailles
the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1919 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans
Left-wing Marxists in Germany who hoped to bring about a communist revolution in 1919.
Kapp Putsch
March 1920
Invasion of the Ruhr 1923
French and Belgian troops were sent to occupy the German industrial city of Ruhr in response to the German government being unable to pay reparations for WWI
A very rapid rise in the price level; an extremely high rate of inflation.
Gustav Stresemann
German Foreign Minister who assumed leadership of government and got the French to move out of the Ruhr amoungst other things
Kellog-Briand Pact (1928)
All the powers agreed to stop fighting and to settle all disputes peacefully with the advices/rulings of the League. Their armies would be used for self defense instead of war.
Locarno Treaty
(1925) Pact that secured the frontier between Germany and France and Germany and Belgium. It also provided for mutual assistance by France and Italy if Germany invaded its border countries.
Dawes Plan
1924. A plan to revive the German economy, the United States loans Germany money which then can pay reparations to England and France, who can then pay back their loans from the U.S.
Young Plan
1929. Reduces reparations by 75% and gives Germany 59 years to pay
George Grosz
produced numerous paintings and drawings, such as Fit for Active Service, that were critical of the Wiemar republic and the army
Bauhaus School
German architectural school that created the International Style
Adolf Hitler
Austrian born Dictator of Germany, implemented Fascism on Germany
The SA
The Nazis private Army
The Munich Putsch
8th November 1923. Failed attempt by the Nazis to take over the Bavarian government.
Bamberg Conference
February 1926. Meeting of leading Nazis where Hitler reorganized the party putting in place many new organisation
Wall Street Crash
October 1929. Economic crash in the USA with severe effects on Germany
German Communist Party
Josef Goebbels
German propaganda minister in Nazi Germany who persecuted the Jews (1897-1945)
Heinrich Bruning
Chancellor from March 1930-May 1932. Did not hold Reichstag majority. Nazis became second largest party during his ruling. The SA were very violent during this time, and made the government seem weak. Economic depression continued and his agrarian reforms angered farmers.
Paul von Hindenburg
President of the Weimar Republic of Germany who appointed Hitler Chancellor in 1933
Von Papen
German chancellor under president von Hindenburg after Bruning
Von Schleicher
Chancellor between December 1932 and January 1933 between Von Papen and Hitler
The Reichstag Fire
February, 1933; the Reichstag was set on Fire and called a communist plot;Hitler convinced president Hindenburg to suspend all civil rights for Communists, socialists, liberals, and trade unionists
The enabling act
March 1933. Enabled Hitler to get rid of the Reichstag parliament and pass laws without reference to parliament
Nazi Trade UNion organisation set up when all trade unions were banned in may 1933
The Lander
German state parliaments banned by the Nazis in January 1934
The Night of the Long Knives
Purge of the Nazi party including leader such as Ernst Rohm in June 1934
Death of Hindenburg
August 1934. Led to Hitler combining the posts of chancellor and dictator. (The Fuhrer)
Schutzstaffel (SS)
an elite military unit of the Nazi party that served as Hitler's bodyguard and as a special police force.
Sicherheitsdienst (or SD)
Intelligence body of the SS
Nazi secret police
Concentration Camps
prison camps used under the rule of Hitler in Nazi Germany. Conditions were inhuman, and prisoners, mostly Jewish people, were generally starved or worked to death, or killed immediately.
Hitler's technique of using Nazi-controlled associations, clubs, and organizations to coordinate his revolutionary activities.
People's Court
24 April 1934- Hitler forms the Nazi People's Courts, where judges have to swear an oath of loyalty to the Nazis.
agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country
Reich Church
A Nazi-controlled Protestant Church
triumph of the will
Propaganda film about the Nazi conference and rally of 1934