Cards (33)

  • Pulse rate areas
    • Temporal artery-forehead
    • Facial artery-cheeks
    • Carotid artery-rigth side of neck
    • Brachial artery-forearm
    • Radial artery
    • Femoral artery-inguinal
    • Popliteal artery-at the back part of knee
    • Posterior tibial artery
    • Dorsalis pedis
  • Buerger's Test

    Test for Buerger's Disease (Thromboangillis Obliterans)
  • Buerger's Disease
    • Blood vessels become inflamed, swell and can become blocked with blood clots (thrombi)
  • Capillary Refill Test
    1. Pressure is applied to nail bed until it turns white
    2. Blood returned to tissue
  • Aortic Location
    Right of sternal border in second intercostal space (Base)
  • Aortic Sound

    S2 "dub"
  • Tricuspid Location

    Right of sternal border in fourth intercostal space (Apex)
  • Tricuspid Sound

    S1 "lub"
  • Pulmonic Location

    Left of sternal border in second intercostal space (Base)
  • Pulmonic Sound

    S2 "dub"
  • Erb's Point Location
    Left of sternal border in second intercostal space (Base)
  • Erb's Point Sound

    S1 and S2 (line of separation between base and apex)
  • Mitral Location
    Midclavicular on left side of chest in fifth intercostal space (Apex)
  • Mitral Sound

    S1 "lub"
  • Pulse Strength
    • 4 Bounding
    • 3 Increased
    • 2 Normal
    • 1 Weak
    • 0 Absent or Nonpalpable
  • Modified Allen Test
    1. Locate ulnar and radial arteries
    2. Patient makes tight fist for 30 seconds
    3. Press down on ulnar and radial arteries
    4. Patient unclenches fist, palm should blanch
    5. Release pressure on ulnar artery, hand should flush within 5-15 seconds
  • Negative Modified Allen Test
    Hand flushes within 5-15 seconds, indicating good blood flow
  • Positive Modified Allen Test

    Hand doesn't flush within 5-15 seconds, indicating insufficient ulnar artery circulation
  • Homan's Sign

    Test for detecting deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the leg, involves dorsiflexing the foot while the knee is bent and observing any pain or discomfort in the calf muscle
  • Jugular vein distention
    Swelling or enlargement of the large blood vessel in the neck that carries blood from the head and face back to the heart, can indicate heart failure, lung disease, or blockages in the veins
  • Bruits
    Abnormal sounds heard during a physical examination of the body's arteries and veins, can indicate narrowed or blocked blood vessels, turbulent blood flow, or other abnormalities in the circulation system
  • Cardiovascular System

    Hollow, muscular, 4-chambered organ that generates blood pressure, routes blood, ensures one-way flow of blood, and regulates blood supply
  • Heart
    • Size: clenched fist
    • Location: mediastinum
    • Weight: 225 g (F), 310 g (M)
    • Borders: 2nd to 5th ICS (V) & R edge of sternum to L MCL (H)
  • Cardiac Cycle
    1. Generate BP
    2. Route blood
    3. Ensure one-way flow of blood
    4. Regulate blood supply
  • Cardiovascular System Assessment
  • Interview questions
    • Have you ever been diagnosed with a cardiac condition?
    • Have you been diagnosed with hypertension?
    • Do you have high blood cholesterol level?
    • Do you have Diabetes Mellitus?
  • Lifestyle & Personal Habits questions

    • Do you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products?
    • What is your usual weight and height?
    • What is your usual level of activity?
    • What is your typical diet?
    • How much alcohol do you usually drink?
  • Pre-Assessment
    1. Gather and assemble equipment
    2. Introduce self and identify client
    3. Explain procedure and get consent
    4. Assist client with gown and position
    5. Provide privacy and expose only necessary areas
    6. Do hand hygiene and don gloves
  • Precordium Assessment
    1. Locate Intercostal Spaces (ICS)
    2. Locate Midsternal Line (MSL)
    3. Locate Midclavicular Line (MCL)
    4. Locate Anterior Axillary Line (AAL)
    5. Palpate Aortic Area
    6. Palpate Pulmonic Area
    7. Palpate Erb's Point
    8. Palpate Tricuspid Area
    9. Palpate Mitral Area
    10. Percuss heart's borders
    11. Auscultate Aortic Area
    12. Auscultate Pulmonic Area
    13. Auscultate Erb's Point
    14. Auscultate Tricuspid Area
    15. Auscultate Mitral Area
    16. Locate S1 and S2
  • Peripheral Vascular Assessment
    1. Inspect skin integrity
    2. Describe color of extremities
    3. Locate/Assess scattered sensations
    4. Palpate skin for temperature
    5. Assess mobility of extremities
    6. Assess for edema
    7. Assess for superficial veins
    8. Assess for jugular vein distention
    9. Assess head/neck, upper body, and lower body pulses
    10. Perform Allen's Test
    11. Perform Buerger's Test
    12. Perform Capillary Refill Test
    13. Perform Phlebitis Test
    14. Test for Homan's Sign
    15. Auscultate carotid artery for bruits
    16. Check blood pressure
  • Post-Assessment
    1. Assist client with changing clothes
    2. Do after care and hand hygiene
    3. Document findings
  • Phlebitis Test

    A medical test used to diagnose phlebitis, which is the inflammation of veins
  • Phlebitis
    • Can occur in any part of the body where there are veins, but it commonly affects the legs
    • Can be caused by injury, infection or prolonged periods of inactivity like sitting for long hours