Our knowledge is more in-depth + accurate -> e.g. WMM replaced simplistic STM
Would have been difficult to make progress if psychology drew on more subjective research methods (e.g. psychodynamic approach)
Cognitive approach A&E point 2: cognitive approach weakened by ignoring role of emotion + motivation in human behaviour (!!!)
Machine reductionism = cognitive approach less applicable to humans -> comparing mind to computer = inaccurate
Humans' motivation + emotion affects behaviour (computers don't have any) -> closest thing computer has = malfunctions (not the standard of computerised function)
Humans make mistakes, e.g. in memory (Johnson + Scott 1976 anxiety study -> high anxiety = low recall accuracy)
Human minds make mistakes due to motivation too (Bandura's SLT mediational processes)
Cognitive approach A&E point 3: cognitive approach has successful real-lifeapplications indicating that it's a strong explanation for human behaviour
Cognitive therapies (e.g. CBT) = reframing 'faulty thinking' into healthier thought patterns
Ellis (1957) claimed 90% effectiveness for depression, March et al. (2007) found CBT to be as effective as drug therapy for acute depression (81% success rate + no side effects)
If cognitive approach didn't work -> therapies would be unsuccessful