Climate change

Cards (23)

  • Anthropogenic climate change

    Caused by humans
  • Anthropogenic climate change
    • Long term shifts in temperature and weather patterns
    • Fossil fuels increase carbon dioxide
    • Bacteria in guts of ruminants and melting permafrost increases methane
  • Correlation does not imply causation (according to some people)
  • Positive feedback loops and global warming
    • Loss of snow and ice - white snow reflects solar radiation, darker land exposed absorbs heat and increases global temperatures
    • Decomposition of permafrost, methane increase global temperatures
    • Carbon dioxide from ocean, less can dissolve in water, increase atmospheric greenhouse gas, increase global temperatures
    • Forest fires, increase carbon dioxide and global temperatures
  • Carbon dioxide and methane are the biggest contributors to climate change
  • Boreal forests and tipping points
    • Carbon sink
    • Lots of carbon is stored in the ground, low temperatures means slowed decomposition
    • Tipping point is when more carbon is released than stored
    • Increased temperatures decreases snowfall, Decreases primary production through photosynthesis
    • Forest browning due to droughts increases frequency and intensity of wildfires
  • Melting of ice
    • Walruses use ice floes for resting and feeding young, must travel farther for food, more difficult to feed young, Stampedes
    • Emperor penguins use sea ice for breeding colonies, Chicks can't swim in icy water, Extinctions
  • Nutrient upwelling
    Winds blow against surface water, Cold nutrient rich water rises up, Depends on wind and weather, Warm water prevents upwelling
  • Poleward and upslope range shifts of temperate species
    • Birds go to higher altitudes, Upslope, Colder
    • Movement of ranges of trees, Sugar maple trees move northwards to cooler climates, Poleward
  • Coral reefs
    • Most diverse ocean ecosystem
    • Carbon dioxide + water -> carbonic acid, Carbonic acid -> proton + bicarbonate, Protons makes it acidic, Proton + carbonate -> bicarbonate, Proton binds preferably to the carbonate, less available for coral exoskeletons
    • Calcium carbonate is needed for coral exoskeletons, Calcium + carbonate -> calcium carbonate
  • Coral bleaching
    Becomes white and loses color, Color is due to the zooxanthellae algae, Increased temperature causes stress, algae leaves coral, Mutualistic relationship, Coral death
  • Carbon sequestration
    1. Afforestation - establishing forests where there was no recent tree cover
    2. Forest regeneration - forest grows back after a disturbance
    3. Agroforestry - farmer continues while using trees, trees protect, shade and fertilize, increase decomposition and increased photosynthesis
    4. Restoration of peat forming wetlands, rewetting restores carbon levels in peat soils
  • Peat formation
    Organic matter is not fully decomposed, Acidic, anaerobic, waterlogged conditions, Large carbon store
  • Phenology
    Cyclic and natural phenomena in relation to climate and plant/animal life
  • Photoperiod
    Length of time in a day an organism receives light
  • Decreased temp and day length
    Decreases growth in deciduous trees
  • Increased temp in spring
    Triggers bud burst
  • Biological events
    • Flowering
    • Budburst - emergence of new leaves
    • Bud set - cessation of bud growth in deciduous plants
    • Migration
    • Nesting
  • Climate change disrupts the synchrony of phenological events
  • Reindeer and arctic mouse eared chickweed
    • Migration synchronized with growth, Increased temp leads to growth, global warming means earlier growth, Reindeer migration determined by photoperiod, Reduces food for reindeer
  • Great tit and caterpillar biomass
    • Great tits eat caterpillars, Increased temp triggers caterpillars, photoperiod triggers great tit, Great tits hatch after caterpillars peak
  • Consequences of global warming in insects
    • Increased generations
    • Expand geographic range
    • Outbreak of insect transmitted plant diseases
    • Increased overwintering survival
    • Desynchronization with natural enemies and host plant
    • Shorten life span, increase population
  • Tawny owls
    • Grey or brown, Increased temp decreases snow, Brown is more likely to survive mild winters