Cards (9)

  • Cooperation of Marxist Groups
    Mid-1890s: Success in cooperating with St. Petersburg workers through Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of Labour
  • Most SD (Social Democratic) leaders either arrested in Siberia or fled abroad by the early 1900s
  • Lenin's Concerns
    Articulated concerns about the labor movement's tendency towards destructive rioting and economism in his 1902 publication "What is to be Done?"
  • Zubatov unions
    Filled vacuum among St. Petersburg workers during Menshevik-Bolshevik squabble over Marxist theory
  • Formation and Representation in St. Petersburg Soviet
    1. October: Formation of St. Petersburg Soviet, with representation from Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, and SRs
    2. Mensheviks prominent, Trotsky as first vice president
  • Suppression of Soviet Leadership
    December: Soviet leaders arrested after Tsarist suppression of Moscow Soviet uprising in November
  • Bolsheviks
    • Mistrustful of working-class initiatives not led by their own vanguard
    • Lenin, returning from Geneva in November, unable to speak at Soviet housed in Technological Institute
  • Activities of Soviet and workers in 1905 led Lenin to revise thinking about proletariat's ability to achieve class consciousness
  • Lenin recognized radicalism but advocated for continued guidance from vanguard party