
Cards (99)

  • Absolute Value
    The distance between 0 and the point representing the real number.
  • Ascending Order

    Ordering numbers from least to greatest means putting them in _____ order.
  • Associative
    The ____ property allows you to regroup terms when adding or multiplying, without changing the answer.
  • Base
    In x3, x is called the _____.
  • Borrow
    Sometimes, when subtracting, we have to __________ in order to be able to take a bottom digit of greater value away from a top digit of lesser value.
  • Columns
    The vertical entries in a matrix.
  • Common Factor
    This is a number that can be divided out of each term in an expression.
  • Commutative Property
    The property that says you can add or multiply numbers in any order, without changing the answer, is called the ____ Property.
  • Complex Addition
    This is addition of complex numbers. You add the real parts together and the imaginary parts together.
  • Complex Fraction
    A fraction which contains fractions in the numerator or denominator is called a ____ ____.
  • Complex Multiplication
    When you multiply (a + bi)(c + di) you are doing _____ multiplication.
  • Complex Numbers
    Numbers that consist of a real part and an imaginary part. They are in the form a + bi where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part.
  • Composite
    A positive number with divisors besides 1 and itself is called ________.
  • Conclusion
    This is the second part of a conditional statement.
  • Conjugate Pair
    A pair of complex numbers who have the same real and imaginary parts, but the imaginary parts have opposite signs. Their products are a nonzero real number.
  • Coordinate Plane
    This is a plane with two axes as a frame of reference. The x-axis is a horizontal line and the y-axis is perpendicular to it (i.e., the y-axis is verti, The intersection of the two axes is called the origin.
  • Coordinates
    The pair of numbers giving the location of a point are called its ___.
  • Decimal
    This is a number system which uses a base of 10. The valid digits are 0 to 9.
  • Deductive Reasoning
    The conclusion is reached based on the facts, definitions, rules, properties, postulates and theorems.
  • Denominator
    In a fraction, this is the number under the fraction bar.
  • Digit
    A single number between 0 and 9, occurring either alone or in a larger number, is called a ____.
  • Dimension
    The _________ of a matrix is usually written as "m x n", where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns.
  • Distance
    The formula used to find the length of a line segment in space.
  • Distance
    To calculate this, multiply rate by time.
  • Distance Formula
    The formula used to find the length between two points in a coordinate plane.
  • Distributive Property
    This property says you can rewrite 3 x (4 + 5) as (3 x 4) + (3 x 5).
  • Divisible
    We say a number is __________ by another number if, when you divide them, there is no remainder.
  • Element Of A Matrix
    Each number contained in the matrix.
  • Entries
    The numbers in a matrix are called this.
  • Equivalent
    Expressions that simplify to the same expression are called ____.
  • Even Number
    This is a number which yields no remainder when divided by 2.
  • Expanded Form
    This is when an exponent is written using multiplication.
  • Exponent
    This is the power to which a number is raised, or the number of times it is multiplied by itself.
  • Factor
    A number which divides evenly into a given number is called a ___ of that number.
  • Fraction
    A number between 0 and 1, expressed as one number over another, is called a ___.
  • Greatest Common
    The largest factor that two numbers share is called the _____ _____ factor.
  • Imaginary
    A number that is the square root of a negative number is called ___.
  • Imaginary Unit
    This is the i part of a complex number. It represents the square root of -1.
  • Improper
    This is a fraction in which the numerator is larger than the denominator.
  • Inductive Reasoning
    The reasoning process that involves looking for patterns and making a conjecture.