Learning approach

Cards (16)

  • What are the assumptions of the learning approach?
    • All behaviour is learned from experience
    • Only observable behaviour can be measured and only measurable behaviour can be tested
    • We are born a blank slate, genetics have no influence on our behaviour
    • The same laws of learning apply to human and non-human behaviour
  • What is classical conditioning?
    Learning through association
  • What did Pavlov do to research classical conditioning?
    Got his dog to associate the sound of a bell with being fed, leading to salivation
  • What was the dog associating before conditioning?
    Bell -> no response
    Food (unconditioned stimulus) -> Salivation (unconditioned response)
  • What did Pavlovs dogs associate during conditioning?
    Food (unconditioned stimulus) + Bell (neutral stimulus) -> Salivation (unconditioned response)
  • What did Pavlovs dogs associate after conditioning?
    Bell (conditioned stimulus) -> Salivation (conditioned response)
  • What is operant conditioning?
    Learning by consequence
  • What is positive reinforcement?
    Rewarding for an action in order for it to be repeated
  • What is negative reinforcement?
    A behaviour is produced to avoid a negative outcome so it is repeated
  • What is punishment?
    Produces an undesirable outcome so won’t be repeated
  • What did Skinner do to investigate operant conditioning?
    • An electric current shocks a rat
    • Rat accidentally presses lever to switch off current
    • The rat has learned to press the lever to avoid the current
    • A light switches on prior to a shock
    • The rat presses a lever before shock -> negatively reinforced behaviour
  • What is continuous reinforcement?
    Reinforcing after desired outcome every time
  • What is partial reinforcement?
    Reinforcing after desired outcome only sometimes
  • What is more effective, continuous reinforcement or partial reinforcement?
    Partial reinforcement
  • What are some strengths of the learning approach?
    • Successful treatment of phobias
    • Effective treatments for learned disorders
  • What are some weaknesses of the learning approach?
    • Reductionist, ignores role of evolution and genetics
    • Some animals find some behaviours harder to learn than others