A method of determiningright and wrongbased on the understanding and interpretation of the Christianmessage
Christian ethics
The life and teachings ofJesusChrist is the heart of the Christianmessage
Right and wrong is determined by the life and teachingsofChrist
To understandwhatweshoulddo or avoidinlife, as well as toknowwhatwe should believe, wemustconsult the life and teachingsofChrist
Christian ethics
A setofprinciplesderivedfrom the Christianfaith by which we act
The Bible gives us a detailedinstruction on howweshouldlive
While God's word may not cover every situation in our lives, its principles give us the standards by which we must conduct ourselves
Christian ethics
A systematicstudy of the wayoflifeexemplified and taught by Jesus, applied to problems and decisions of humanexistence
The wayoflifeisexpressed in what we say, live and practice
The GospelsreflectJesus'way of life and tell not only what He does and says but also what early Christians believe of Him
The way of lifeexemplified by Jesus is an adequate, dependable and indispensable guide of Christians in their actions as well as in their decisions in life
Significance of Christian ethics
It guidesChristians in makingrightdecisions
It helps us differentiate between what is vital and peripheral in life
It assistspeople in determining their goals in life and help them realizethesegoals
Elements involved in makingrightdecision, according to Giles
One'ssense of values
One'sbelief in the dignity and worth of persons
Christianethicsdoesnotagreethattheendjustifiesthe means. The effortstowardrealizing the endshould be coupled with the efforts towardsdevelopinggoodprinciple, rightattitude and acceptablewayoflife