Cardiovascular Disease

Cards (10)

  • Cardiovascular disease
    A general term that refers to diseases of the cardiovascular system, which is the heart and blood vessels
  • Coronary heart disease
    When the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle, start to get blocked by the buildup of layers of fatty material
  • Coronary arteries getting blocked
    Causes the lumen of the arteries to become narrower so that less blood can flow through, which means that less oxygen reaches the heart muscle
  • Less oxygen reaching the heart muscle
    Can put strain on the heart and potentially cause a heart attack
  • Stents
    Expandable tubes that can be placed inside the arteries to hold them open and ensure that the blood can keep flowing
  • Stents
    • The surgery is relatively quick and they're effective for a long time
    • There are risks, such as the surgery inducing a heart attack.
  • Statins
    Medications that alter the balance of cholesterol in your bloodstream.
  • Heart failure
    When the heart isn't able to pump blood around the body properly anymore
  • Heart transplant
    • The donor heart could be rejected by the recipient's immune system
  • Sometimes people require a heart and lung transplant if the lungs are also diseased, but this is very complicated surgery and it's hard to find a donor heart and donor lungs