Psychodynamic approach

Cards (34)

  • What are the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach?
    • Unconscious forces in our mind determine our thoughts, feelings and behaviour
    • Our behaviour as adults is strongly influenced by childhood experiences
    • Abnormal behaviour is the result of internal mental conflict
  • What are the 3 elements to the personality?
  • What is the id?
    The source of unconscious desires and impulses
    Wants pleasure and wants it now
  • What is the ego?
    Represents the unconscious mind
    Wants to satisfy the id
  • What is the superego?
    Contains morality
    Aims to ensure the ego doesn’t use unacceptable ways to please the id
    Comes from same-sex parent
    Consists of conscience and ego-ideal
  • What is conscience?
    Part of the superego
    Tells us what we shouldn’t do
  • What is ego-ideal?

    Part of the super ego
    Tells us what we should do
  • What are the five psychosexual stages of development?
  • What age does the oral stage occur?
    0-1 years
  • What is the focus of pleasure in the oral stage?
  • What is fixation?

    Becoming stuck in a stage, affecting future behaviour in adulthood
  • What happens in adulthood if fixation occurs in the oral stage?
    Smoking and drinking
  • What causes fixation in the oral stage?

    Being over or under-fed as a baby
  • What age does the anal stage occur?
    1-3 years
  • What is the organ of pleasure in the anal stage?
  • What leads to fixation in the anal stage?
    Overly strict or relaxed potty training
  • What happens in adulthood if fixated in the anal stage?

    If too strict OCD can develop, if too relaxed someone may become a hoarder
  • What age does the phallic stage occur?
    3-6 years
  • What is the organ of pleasure in the phallic stage?
  • What happens in the phallic stage?
    Child becomes aware of gender differences and the Oedipus or Electra complex develops
  • What is the Oedipus complex?
    Boys unconsciously desire their mother
    They realise girls don’t have a penis and so they must’ve been castrated
    They worry that if their desire for their mother is revealed they will be castrated too
  • What is castration anxiety?
    Boys worry their desire for their mother will be revealed and they will be castrated too
  • How do boys solve castration anxiety?
    Internalising the same-sex parent. They think if they are more like their father then he will not want to castrate them
  • What did Freud say about femininity?
    Failed masculinity
  • What is the Electra complex?
    Girls turn to their father for love as they believe their mum castrated them, and they try to earn their penis back
  • What is penis envy?

    Girls suffer from this as they believe they were castrated
  • How do girls solve penis envy?
    By acting masculine and doing masculine things
  • What are the three defence mechanisms?
  • What are defence mechanisms?
    Psychological strategies used to protect from anxiety or distress
  • What is repression?

    The ego pushes a bad memory into the unconscious
    Evidence from abused children who don’t remember the abuse
    Sometimes emotions leek out and lead to sadness or anxiety without knowing the cause
  • What is denial?
    Refusal to accept reality
    Ego unconsciously blocks unpleasant facts
  • What is displacement?
    Redirection of a hostile feeling towards a more acceptable target
    Eg slamming the door after an argument
  • What are some strengths of the psychodynamic approach?
    • First approach to take into account the role of the unconscious
    • First approach to take into account the role of childhood experiences
    • Face validity
    • Holistic, accepts influence of instinct and thoughts
  • What are some weaknesses of the psychodynamic approach?
    • Unfalsifiable, so difficult to test as it is unconscious
    • Subjective
    • Relies on case studies, Freud usually used Viennese women and children, so lacks population validity