INFLUENZA (Flu) - infection of the upper respiratory system
INFLUENZA (Flu) - pneumonia being the main complication due to the destruction of the lungs' epithelium.
What is the incubation period of Influenza?
2 days
What is the infectious agent of influenza?
Corona virus
How can Influenza be passed?
respiratory droplets
How can we prevent influenza?
through vaccination
Tuberculosis - targets the lungs
What is the infectious agent of tuberculosis?
mycobacterium tubercle / tubercle bacillus
How can we transmit tuberculosis?
direct or indirect contact
What is the reservoir of tuberculosis?
What is the incubation period of tuberculosis?
2 to 10 weeks
How can we diagnose tuberculosis?
through Mantoux tuberculin test
sputum test
chest x-ray
How many days do we isolate people with tuberculosis?
2 weeks
Mantoux Tuberculin test - The procedure involves injecting a quantity of Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) under the skin, with the results appearing after 48 to 72 hours.
Sputum Culture - most confirmative test | not commonly used | delay treatment | results out in 2 weeks or 1 month.
Drug Compliance - prevent the bacteria from developing resistance against the drugs and for complete recovery
What does RIPES mean?
What does TB DOTS mean?
Tuberculosis Direct Observed Treatment Short term/course
What does BCG mean?
Bacille Calmette- Guerin vaccine
When is the BCG vaccine given?
once in a life time during infancy
DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER - it is an acute viral disease that is common in the tropics
What does dengue cause?
bleeding or hemorrhage
What is the infectious agent of dengue?
virus from the family flaviviridae
bite from a female Aedes Aegypti mosquito
What is the incubation period of dengue?
6 to 7 days
Symptoms of dengue include what?
rashed called petechiae
How can we diagnose dengue?
Tourniquet test
Blood test
How an we prevent the spread of dengue?
Eradicate breeding places of mosquitoes
Tourniquet test – rubber band in the arm for 5 minutes | positive = 20 or more petechiae per 1 inch
What are the four stages of dengue?
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 1 - Fever, positive tourniquet test
Stage 2 - Grade I manifestations and spontaneous bleeding
Stage 3 - Signs of circulatory failure (rapid weak pulse, hypotension, cold and clammy skin)
Stage 4 - Profound shock (vital signs are falling)
What are the six types of STDs?
Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
Genital Herpes
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) - It can give you warts on your hands, feet, face, and private parts
Chlamydia - also known as silent infection
Chlamydia - caused by a bacterium chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia - Can make you feel a burning sensation when you pee (men)
Chlamydia - pain and swelling on both testicles (men)