
Cards (113)

  • INFLUENZA (Flu) - infection of the upper respiratory system
  • INFLUENZA (Flu) - pneumonia being the main complication due to the destruction of the lungs' epithelium.
  • What is the incubation period of Influenza?
    2 days
  • What is the infectious agent of influenza?
    Corona virus
  • How can Influenza be passed?
    respiratory droplets
  • How can we prevent influenza?
    through vaccination
  • Tuberculosis - targets the lungs
  • What is the infectious agent of tuberculosis?
    mycobacterium tubercle / tubercle bacillus
  • How can we transmit tuberculosis?
    direct or indirect contact
  • What is the reservoir of tuberculosis?
  • What is the incubation period of tuberculosis?
    2 to 10 weeks
  • How can we diagnose tuberculosis?
    through Mantoux tuberculin test
    sputum test
    chest x-ray
  • How many days do we isolate people with tuberculosis?
    2 weeks
  • Mantoux Tuberculin test - The procedure involves injecting a quantity of Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) under the skin, with the results appearing after 48 to 72 hours.
  • Sputum Culture - most confirmative test | not commonly used | delay treatment | results out in 2 weeks or 1 month.
  • Drug Compliance - prevent the bacteria from developing resistance against the drugs and for complete recovery
  • What does RIPES mean?
  • What does TB DOTS mean?
    Tuberculosis Direct Observed Treatment Short term/course
  • What does BCG mean?
    Bacille Calmette- Guerin vaccine
  • When is the BCG vaccine given?
    once in a life time during infancy
  • DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER - it is an acute viral disease that is common in the tropics
  • What does dengue cause?
    bleeding or hemorrhage
  • What is the infectious agent of dengue?
    virus from the family flaviviridae
    bite from a female Aedes Aegypti mosquito
  • What is the incubation period of dengue? 
    6 to 7 days
  • Symptoms of dengue include what?
    rashed called petechiae
  • How can we diagnose dengue?
    Tourniquet test
    Blood test
  • How an we prevent the spread of dengue?
    Eradicate breeding places of mosquitoes
  • Tourniquet test – rubber band in the arm for 5 minutes | positive = 20 or more petechiae per 1 inch
  • What are the four stages of dengue?
    Stage 1
    Stage 2
    Stage 3
    Stage 4
  • Stage 1 - Fever, positive tourniquet test
  • Stage 2 - Grade I manifestations and spontaneous bleeding
  • Stage 3 - Signs of circulatory failure (rapid weak pulse, hypotension, cold and clammy skin)
  • Stage 4 - Profound shock (vital signs are falling)
  • What are the six types of STDs?
    Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
    Genital Herpes
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) - It can give you warts on your hands, feet, face, and private parts
  • Chlamydia - also known as silent infection
  • Chlamydia - caused by a bacterium chlamydia trachomatis
  • Chlamydia - Can make you feel a burning sensation when you pee (men)
  • Chlamydia - pain and swelling on both testicles (men)
  • Chlamydia - First affects the cervix or urethra