
Subdecks (2)

Cards (19)

  • Harsh Industrial Conditions
    • Workers resentful of harsh conditions in new industries
    • Labour organizations developed despite government efforts to counter with Zubatov Unions
  • Father Gapon
    Led one such union in St. Petersburg, with estimated 20,000 members by Jan 1905
  • Lead-up to Bloody Sunday
    Wave of strikes in January 1905 over dismissal of four workers at Putilov steel plant
  • Bloody Sunday and Subsequent Strikes
    • Over 400,000 workers went on strike in wake of Bloody Sunday
  • Unprecedented Labour Unrest
    • Labour unrest in 1905 unprecedented in magnitude and thrust
  • Recognition of Workers' Representation
    1. Zhidlovsky Commission set up to investigate grievances, invited factory workers to send representatives
    2. First-ever free worker elections in St. Petersburg factories, recognizing workers as distinct social group
  • Notable Worker Victories
    • Workers won partial or complete victories in 70% of economic strikes
    • First Soviet formed during strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk
  • October General Strike
    1. Spontaneous yet disciplined uprising by working class
    2. Began with walk-out by Moscow printers, spread to St. Petersburg and other cities
  • National Railway Strike and Support
    • National Railway Strike supported by liberals calling for Constituent Assembly
    • Supported by various professions, leading to major clashes with police
  • Formation of Prominent Soviets
    1. First prominent Soviet formed in St. Petersburg on October 8th
    2. Published own newspaper called Izvestia, organized militia, distributed food supplies
    3. Inspired formation of Soviets in 50 other cities