Communists force themselves into coalition government despite only 17% of the vote
Soviet constitution created making Hungary a 'republic of workers and working peasants
Some non-communist (Smallholders) leaders arrested
Becomes the communist leader, creates Stalinist dictatorship
200,000 political opponents locked up by AVH
Via Cominform, Moscow dictates Hungary's future
Hungarian Uprising
What led to it
Via Comecon, Hungary did not receive fair trade
Rakosi implemented a 5-year plan to improve the economy but it failed
The 5-year plan involved heavy industry and the production of steel, but Hungary had no iron ore or coking coal to produce steel, so its economy suffered
Due to Comecon taking Hungarian resources, 1952 was the lowest agricultural output ever for Hungary
The AVH secret police were hated due to their purges which killed 2000 people
Religious teachings were attacked and removed in schools
Cardinal Mindszenty, the leader of the Hungarian Catholic Church, was imprisoned in 1949