Cards (21)

  • “a glass fang”

    * Metaphor - intravenous drip compared to a vampire = shocking image.
  • “Ward 7.”
    * Caesura - full stop creates halt creating effect of poet arriving at the ward, abruptness of this jolts reader,, we also brace ourselves for the worst.
  • “Combs my nostrils”
    *Word Choice - brings to mind pervasive smell associated with hospitals (shows strength of smell)
    * Just as comb brushes through hair, the odur assaults our sense of smell and is overwhelming.
  • “green and yellow”
    * Word Choice - colours have connotations of sickness which further stresses the poets discomfort in these surroundings.
    * Simple colour scheme is a concept of familiar to most hospital visitors.
  • “they”
    * Synechdoche - the ‘nostril’ comes to life (represent all of him)- humerous image to contrast the seriousness to be faced.
  • “Corpse”
    * Word Choice- very little emotion shown - distances himself from death.
  • “trundled”
    * Word Choice - conveys noise of trolley, but also the emotionless way its handled.
  • “vanishes”
    * Enjambment - emphasises last word of line. carefully chosen to suggest finality of death.
  • “bobbing along”
    * Word Choice - jolly connotations hints at narrators attempted denial of the seriousness of the situation. he is trying to trick himself into thinking the experience won’t be as bad as he anticipates.
  • “a lift”
    * Symbolic of rising to heaven (further emohasis of death).
  • “I will not feel , I will not feel”
    * Repetition - intensifies control the speaker is trying to impose upon himself, denying his feelings as they are too painful - determined to remain detatched.
    * Enjambment - emphasises determination to achieve the numb feeling speaker wants.
  • “I have to“
    * Suggesting his desire to avoid feeling until he is forced to.
  • “here and up and down and there”

    * Inverted word order - suggests and emphasises always on the move.
    * Repetition - of ‘and‘ underlines this.
  • “Smiles”
    * Word Choice suggests possible recognition or poet / acceptance of the inevitability of death.
  • “So much… So many… So many farewells”

    * Repetition - emphasises amount they will endure and shows speakers admiration that they cope so well.
    * Hints to hope of an afterlife
  • “round swimming waves of a bell”
    * Synaesthesia - sight evokes sound of bell marking end of visiting hour. Imagery of ‘swimming waves’ could imply he feels he is drowning in his emotions.
  • “white cave of forgetfulness“
    * Metaphor - isolation and lack of awareness (she is distant from speaker),, room is compared to cave suggests isolation.
    * Word Choice ‘white’ connotations of innocence, creates sympathy for her.
  • “a withered hand trembles on its stalk”
    * Metaphor - woman compared to a flower, suggests her fragility and how close to death she is but hints at post vitality.
  • “not guzzling but giving”
    * Word Choice and Alliteration of ‘g’ - draws attention to the fact that the drip is seeking to put life into her not draw it out however pointlessly.
  • “black figure in her white cave”

    * Contrast of colours to emphasise seperation - speaker is black, he is like death suggesting his visit to see her marks the end of her life.
  • “books that will not be read and fruitless fruits”
    * Oxymoron - reminder of proximity of death ( will not get to enjoy gifts) emphasises hopelessness of her situation.
    * Alliteration - caltures poets despair, frustration and lack of acceptance and his anger at the death of his loved one.