Provides the guidelines for how we are to act and feel
Status Set
A person is simultaneously a wife, mom, daughter, employee and friend. All together, these make up their...
Intimate distance
18" or less distance used within our intimate relationships
personal distance
A distance of 2-4 ft. that is used with people whom we know
Status symbol
Items used to display or identify an individual's status
focuses on studying social interaction
In dramaturgy, wearing a letterman's jacket and class ring would be classified as...
Achieved status
A status that one earns through their own direct efforts
A status that is assigned typically at birth and is out of our control
Status inconsistency
Mismatch between statuses
Background assumptions
In ethnomethodology, the ideas that we take for granted that underlie our behavior and which we violate at our risk
Role Conflict
Occurs when we find it difficult to meet the roles of two statuses
Role Strain
Occurs when we find it difficult to meet the roles of one status
Sign Vehicles
When we communicate information about ourselves, we use the social setting, our appearance, and manners to make impressions on others. What are these called by Erving Goffman?
When you 1st meet someone, the assumptions you have about certain social characteristics have a tendency to shape your first impressions of that person, which can result in the impressions becoming self-fulfilling.
Studied Non-observation
Technique where all parties involved in an embarrassing situation ignore it and continue their conversation or interaction as though the embarrassing situation never happened.
Kleinfeld criticized Milgram's small group phenomenon saying that we actually live in a world that is more like (clusters of cliques within the social network loosely connected with one another)...
Social Structure
typical patterns of a group such as its usual relationships between men and women or students and teachers
People who regularly interact with one another and share similar values, norms, and expectations
Patients awaiting surgery react differently to ___ on the basis of their sex; men = upset; women = relax
Rights and obligations expected of someone in a status
Hunting and gathering societies, although the most egalitarian, resulted in social inequality on the basis of...
Type of informal group characterized by intimate, long-term, face-to-face association and cooperation
Type of group characterized by impersonal, more formal relationships, based around a task/activity, and typically temporary in nature
People who temporarily share the same physical space but do not see themselves as a group
Post-Industrial societies have a work force centered around the transmission and use of ____
Double standard
Loyalty to our in-groups leads us to often judge our own traits as virtues, but to see the same traits as vices in out-groups
1st type of society to develop permanent settlements
As groups grow in ___, their structure and function becomes more formal
Leader that helps its members to gain consensus by outlining steps and suggesting alternatives
Highly permissive leader who provides little guidance to its members
A leader who gives orders/commands to its members leading to aggressive or apathetic behavior
Diffusion of Responsibility
Results in a decrease in one's willingness to help others as the size of the group increases
Most unstable group size
Type of leader whose responsibility is to keep the group moving toward its goal
Typically not viewed as a leader, but helps the group complete its task by lifting the morale of its members
Group Conformity
Solomon Asch demonstrated that most people are willing to say things they know are not true
Obedience to Authority
Because of _____,Milgram was able to demonstrate that a substantial number of people will inflict pain on others when told to do so
Known as "the small world phenomenon"
Not considered a group by sociologists; a way of categorizing people