econ development

Cards (11)

  • stylopin successful as modernises + does grow
  • Industrial production grew steadily at a rate of around 6% per annum

    1907 to 1914
  • By 1914, Russia ranked as the world's fourth-largest producer of coal, pig-iron, and steel
  • The Baku oilfields were only rivaled by Texas in terms of oil production
  • Heavy industry remained the dominant sector, fueled by the government's rearmament program
  • Metallurgical companies received huge orders to rebuild the Baltic fleet and restock weapons post-Russo-Japanese War
  • The focus on rearmament led to a shortage of agricultural tools and machinery
  • Industrial development was primarily state-sponsored, with companies reliant on government contracts
  • While foreign loans were still important, the internal market in Russia was growing
  • Consumer goods production increased, driven by demand from the increasingly successful agricultural sector
  • The share of consumer goods as a proportion of total industrial production declined from 52% to 45% because Russia wanted to modernize agriculture yet focused on the military