
Cards (3)

    • August 1906: Stolypin establishes field court-martials to arrest and try subversives.
    • Cases dealt with in 2 days without defence counsel.
    • Death sentences carried out within 24 hours.
    • Thousands executed, earning the name 'Stolypin neck-tie', thousands more exiled.
  • TP loss of support
    912: Massacre of around 200 striking Lena Goldfield workers, showing continued repression.
    • Widespread reaction across the country. The massacre was condemned in the Duma and by the press as ‘a second Bloody Sunday’ Kerensky’s report damned the police actions led to the resignation of the Minister of the Interior and prompted him to run for election to the Fourth Duma ' i criticise the goverment sharply'
    • 1913: 700,000 workers on strike.
    • Jan 1914: 1 million workers on strike.
    • Baku: Fighting between oil workers and police.
    • July 1914: Strikes grow to 1.5 million.
    • St. Petersburg: Mobs smashing windows and erecting barricades.
    • German ambassador assures the Kaiser that Russia isn't ready for war.