Nicholas II

Cards (6)

  • NII- made no major change to the structure of government at first
  • NII- introduced the October manifesto in 1905 which seemingly created change with the introduction of a law making Duma, elected by male universal suffrage and formation of political parties like the Octobrists and Kadeta
  • NII- was forced to make change due to the unrest from the Russian Revolution 1905, persuaded by Sergei Witte
  • Introduction of the fundamental laws in April 1906 limited the impact of the October Manifesto, as it asserted the Tsar's power over the Duma
  • Under the fundamental laws, the Tsar could dissolve the Duma at any point and had the power to appoint ministers in the council
  • The 1st and 2nd electoral reduced the impact of peasant and worker votes, allowing upper and middle classes to dominate